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  • lead-oxide.com

    China Tribasic Lead Sulphate(TBLS)|China Dibasic Lead Phosphite(DBLP)|China Lead...

    By now, the company has got a capacity of 15,000 metric tons for yellow lead oxide, (litharge, powder and granular), 10,000 metric tons for red lead oxide (powder and granular), 6,000 metric tons for lead silicates of China National Coatings Industry Association, as well as the appointed producer for lead produ...

     [氧化物] - www.lead-*xide.com - UTF-8 - 2016-07-05

搜索相关: 氧化物 - 堿類 - 其他 - 庫存化工品 - 有機中間體 - 化工設計加工 - 其他 - - 化工 - 化工專案合作 - 油漆 - 工業氣體 - 食品添加劑 - 化工產品代理 - 樹脂 - 顏料 - 肥皂、洗滌劑 - 膠黏劑 - - 醫藥原料、中間體 - 印刷油墨 - 化學試劑 - - 化學儀器 - 合成藥 - - 烯烴 - 醚類 - 香料、香精 - - 酸酐

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