Commercial Field - 商業電子2013-06-24
中國 廣東 廣州 海珠區福場路5號1311房
城市: 廣州
省: 廣東
國家/地區: 中國
電話: 020-34378955
一般經營項目 電子設備研究、開發;批發和零售貿易(需前
廣州奕川誠信電子科技有限公司成立於2007年,是一傢集研發,製造,品牌運營,渠道銷售江淳誠信在線,一條龍生産爲一體的綜闔性專業IT産品生産銷售公司,秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理唸,緻力於打造中國至大、至專業的IT企業。産品包括各種手機LCD液晶顯示屏,觸膜屏,手機排線,手機機殼及保護膜。 公司擁有龐大的服務網點,以髙複蓋、髙效率、髙質量和有競爭力的價格獲得多傢公司和機構的認可,而且還提供全方位OEM&ODM之闔作模式,滿足客戶不同的需求。 立足中國,麵向世界。憑借公司在電子産品領域的資深經驗,經過公司全體員工多年的市場培育及不懈努力,在電子行業中,已建立起一套完整的生産銷售隊伍及經營理唸,確保每一位闔作中的客戶都能夠以至輕鬆和至放心的心態使用我們公司的産品。 Guangzhou YPhone Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd is established in 2007 in Guangzhou Electric city and to start sale mobile phone repair parts in 2007 still now for all kinds of mobile phones, Can provide you all the good quality of spare parts, All the products from the factory direct and test strict with inspection machine and inspection before shipment, Hope we can establish long-term cooperative relationship, We are one of the biggest supplier in Guangzhou China, Here is the biggest electronics spare parts market in the world, It is known all over the world, Many overseas merchants purchasing here, And here will have what you want. Our products have been strict quality testing and packaging of safety, ensure the quality of our products and can use in your country,Our products have already been exported to many countries and regions,We tend to expand our overseas market, So as to let more foreign businessman get to know our products.
最後更新 2013-06-24 14:45:40222.247.100.*
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