Electronic Component2018-05-04
31th Floor,Electronic Technology Building Futian District,,China
City: Shenzhen
State: Guangdong
Country / Region: China
Tel: 400-800-5383
Electronic Components, One-Stop BOM Service, Electronic Parts, MCU, Integrated Circuits, Intelligent hardware, Auto Components, LED/ LCD Drivers, Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors & Diodes, Regulator, Connectors, Switch, Development Tools, Sensors, and Relays
Allchips is a professional electronic components service platform, supported by over 1000 original manufacturers & authorized agents, and more than 10 million products data.
We have been in electronic components over 10 years, we know every headache of the components supply chain. Allchips focus on the end users by providing the intelligent BOM solution with the help of AI and expertise. Now more and more EMS, OEM, makers and electronics factories come to us. Welcome you also!
Last modified 2018-05-04 11:45:10218.18.76.*
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