2021-02-06 Guojianbin - development manager - Mingtai Aluminum - 有色金屬合金 - 60.248.43.*
The aluminum foil produced by Mingtai Aluminum is mainly single-zero aluminum foil. Mingtai Aluminum can process aluminum foil with a thickness of 0.018-0.5mm. The aluminum foil is mainly used in phar... (38/1)
2021-02-06 Guojianbin - development manager - Mingtai Aluminum - 有色金屬合金 - 60.248.43.*
The 5mm aluminum plate produced by it has a clean surface, uniform color, no spots, and flat surface. It has excellent moisture resistance, shading and extremely high barrier capacity, strong mechanic... (39/1)
2021-01-13 Gloria Jenkins - Epson printer support - Epson printer support - 電腦 - 185.236.200.*
Epson printers support... (40/1)
2021-01-06 廣東韶關竹苗基地 - 經理 - 麴江區大塘鎮其田村竹苗基地 - 園藝 - 183.216.213.* - 訪問網站
基地可供:毛竹苗、麻竹苗、甜竹苗、粉單竹苗、雷竹苗、吊絲竹苗、茶杆竹苗、苦竹苗、培育苗、單竹苗、龍竹苗、楠竹苗、金鑲玉竹苗、佛肚竹苗、雜交撐綠竹等竹苗一千多萬株。種苗外銷十多個省份。... (35/1)
2021-01-06 Get Effort - Workflow Management System - Spoors - 軟體設計 - 183.82.107.*
Web and Mobile app Development... (61/1)