貿易合作 Trade Cooperation
Autonomie Project Home
Autonomie Project is a Fair Trade fashion company offering sweatshop-free, organic, vegan and eco-friendly footwear, sneakers, clothing and accessories. We work exclusively with independent worker-owned cooperatives, green businesses and Fair Trade certified collectives located in developing areas of the world to help promote sustainable development.[鞋子] - www.autonomieprojec*.com
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Tradewinds[貿易合作] - www.trad*winds.org.au
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Open Source Digital Asset Management
ResourceSpace is an Open Source Digital Asset Management (DAM) system that offers considerable savings over proprietry systems.[軟體] - www.res*urcespace.org
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Fair Trade Advocacy Office FTAO
The Fair Trade Advocacy Office speaks out for Fair Trade and trade justice with the aim to improve trading conditions for the benefit of small and marginalized producers and poor workers in developing countries.[貿易合作] - www.fairtrade-*dvocacy.org
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ForesTrade is a leading international supplier of organic and sustainably produced tropical spices, vanilla, essential oils, and Fair Trade coffee. We directly source our products from over 6, 000 small-scale, indigenous farmers in Indonesia and Guatemala. Beginning on the farm, ForesTrade supervises every link in the supplychain from the farm gate to our customers[貿易合作] - www.forestr*de.com
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Fair Trade
[貿易合作] - www.f*a.org.au
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Your Organic and...
[有機食品] - www.frankfer*.com
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Fairtrade - Wie funktioniert der Faire Handel? Was bedeutet Fairtrade? Welche Fairtrade-Produkte gibt es und wo kann man diese kaufen? ...[貿易闔作] - www.fairtrade-d*utschland.de
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Lily's Sweets
[糖類] - www.lilysswee*s.com
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