飲料 Beverages
上海卡斯特酒業有限公司是一傢緻力於髙端葡萄酒品牌運營的企業。目前,卡斯特酒業已在國内建立瞭廣氾而領先的企業信譽和品牌知名度,成功塑造瞭法國葡萄酒強勢品牌——代錶法國原産地至好佳釀之一的...[飲料] - www.chateaulevi*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-04-26
Wine in China...
[飲料] - www.wine*nchina.com.cn
- UTF-8 - 2015-04-26
中國葡萄酒信息網:葡萄酒行業的專業網站, 葡萄酒資訊,葡萄酒文化,國際酒業, 佳釀酒吧, 行業概況, 葡萄栽培, 葡萄産區, 人物專欄, 葡萄酒企業在線, 佳釀資訊,葡萄酒精品, 供求信息。China Wine onweb:the first grapewine website in c...[飲料] - www.winech*na.com
- GB2312 - 2015-09-28
葡萄酒行業權威的門戶網站。是酒類專賣管理局、酒類檢測中心、酒行業協會等官方授權發佈新聞信息、檢測報告的官方媒體,是紅酒文化與紅酒知識傳播的先行者[飲料] - www.winechi*a.cn
- UTF-8 - 2015-09-28
YIMI[飲料] - www.yimika*pingqi.com
- GB2312 - 2015-09-28
Sculptures & Garden Art Sculpture & Large Outdoor Metal Sculptures
We are a sculpture company with our own family sculptures factory.We manufacturing a variety of sculptures, art sculpture, metal sculpture, garden sculpture, large outdoor sculptures & stainless steel sculptures[飲料] - www.f*vin.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-09-29
中國糖酒網, 專註酒招商B2B平臺信息發佈,爲企業提供全國酒水代理、酒水結盟與招商信息服務。做酒水代理招商、酒水代理以及各種飲料、食品招商代理、供應求收,均可在上麵通用發佈信息!中國糖酒網,是一傢專業的酒招商門戶網站,千萬傢企業共同的選擇!...[飲料] - www.tan*jiu.com
- GB2312 - 2019-03-07
葡萄酒文化之旅:在親曆中品味美酒,於體驗中收獲快樂。Promoting wine culture -- Wine Appreciation through experiences, and sensational thrills through taste.[飲料] - www.win*tour.cn
- GB2312 - 2015-09-28
Berry Bros
Berry Bros. & Rudd (BBR)- We are Fine Wine and Spirits Merchants with over 5, 000 wines, a broking exchange, wine tasting events & schools and specialists in en primeur wine. Read our authoritative information for wine appellations, grapes.[飲料] - www.*br.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-28
[飲料] - www.fr*nchwine.com.cn
- GB2312 - 2013-04-10
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