Adhesives & Sealants 膠黏劑
35800 SAINT LUNAI...
[待更新] DEPÔT-VENTE PELE-MELE - Saint-Lunaire - La Ville Grignon - Ille-et-Vilaine***www.depotventepelemele*.fr
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[待更新] 常州市健坤化工科技有限公司www.jiankunk*.com
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[待更新] 予晴強力水性粘結劑嶽陽地區總代理, 強力水性瓷磚粘闔劑, 新型環保石材粘闔膠www.073*
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[待更新] 廣東華仹主要服務於廣州, 佛山, 中山, 珠海, 清遠, 惠州等廣東地區的環氧玻璃鋼防腐, 環氧地坪漆, 髙空防腐防水, 水池玻璃鋼防腐, 金屬瓦麵防腐業務.服務質量好, 值得信賴.www.0757hf*.com/
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[待更新] 臨沂佳藝打膠隊專業技術強, 能夠完成各種複雜及技術性強的打膠工程。我們專業承接工程外牆打膠、門窗膠、幕牆膠、幹掛石材膠、鋁闆膠等。www.lyjyd*
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[待更新] 【網】永特耐擁有18年木工膠行業經驗, 斥鉅資首創A+科研平臺, 行業獨創“雙核價值鏈”, 出品600餘種熱熔膠, 拼闆膠, 組裝膠等木工膠産品, 諮詢電話:***.www.iwgc*.cn/
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[待更新] M.W. Watermark is one of the leading suppliers of wastewater treatment equipment and parts. Visit our site to learn how we can provide clean water for you.mww*
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資訊庫 - 膠黏劑 (326)
- 產品庫 - 内蒙古發展四大優勢特色産業 傳統化工需改造提昇 - 2014-04-14 10:02:12
- 業界資訊 - 成都PP報盤弱穩 下遊工廠採購力度小 - 2014-04-12 10:03:28
- 業界資訊 - 河南能源化工義海春暖工程啓動昇級版 - 2014-04-12 10:00:17
Fruit processing machinery and equipments supplier in China
[待更新] An outstanding fruit juice machine supplier devoted to produce high quality fruit juice processing equipment for your juice processing plant.www.fruitprocessingline*.com
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[待更新] 山東泰暢石化科技有限公司專業批發和零售各種類型白油産品, 主營白油, 工業白油等産品, 型號規格齊全, 種類多, 價格闔理, 質量優, 用途廣, 廠傢直販, 服務有保證, 歡迎來電諮詢www.wjhwc*
- UTF-8 - 2021-08-25MATECEL...
MATECEL, as a leading Cellulose Ether supplier and manufacturer, sincerely welcome the new and old friends from home and abroad to
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[待更新] Esteem is amongst India's Leading manufacturer of Surfactants and Speciality Chemicals. With over 30 years of experience, we manufacture a comprehensive range of Non-Ionic, Anionic, Cationic and Amphoteric surfactants.www.este*
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[盟] 知弗分析技術(專註於成分分析檢測, 配方分析還原, 分析檢測公司, 配方還原機構, 分析物質成分, 材料分析測定, 含量配比分析, 檢測分析化驗及未知物成分解析服務, 我們通過分析技術和精準的配方數據爲客戶提供産品研發方案。
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