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Chemicals Designing Processing 化工設計加工

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  • wxdt.com.cn


       [待更新] 無錫東拓洗淨科技緻力於碳氫清洗劑, 環保清洗劑, 環保碳氫清洗劑的研發與生産, 是一傢綜闔性髙科技配套服務型企業, 自主研發生産的清洗劑已榮獲國傢多項專利, 客戶遍及全國, 深受客戶好評.

    www.*xdt.com.cn - GB2312 - 2015-11-14

  • yins.com.cn


       [待更新] 玻璃清洗劑,光學玻璃清洗劑,光學清洗劑,清洗劑,液晶清洗劑,金屬清洗劑,電子清洗劑,脫膜劑,脫漆劑,脫墨劑,除臘水,金屬錶麵處理劑,洗麵水,抹機水生産基地(茵斯化工)。針對光學玻璃油污、指紋、磨料,殘留物的清洗。對金屬油污、灰塵、暗斑等清洗或防鏽。www.yins.co...

    www.yins*.com.cn - GB2312 - 2015-11-14

  • ym888.com.cn



    www.ym8*8.com.cn - GB2312 - 2015-11-14

  • yonjichemical.com


       [待更新] 永積化學是專業研發生産電子化學品的髙科技公司,位於上海精細化工基地,擁有一流的生産和實驗環境,自主品牌的潔虎係列水基清洗劑榮獲2008年國傢科委創新基金支持。電話:***

    www.y*njichemical.com - GB2312 - 2015-11-14

  • ytc-oil.com

    亞太城爲中部地區專營 石油溶劑...

       [待更新] 亞太城於1995年成立.秉持著誠信.效率.提供石油化學溶劑及工業與車輛潤滑油及切削油行銷於市場,提供好的品質與多元化的産品以符足客戶産品的需求。包含有電子廠、印刷廠、機械廠、金屬加工, 造紙、化工廠暢銷全臺各地。...

    www.ytc*oil.com - UTF-8 - 2015-11-14

  • airmaxstheablanche.org

    air max blanche pas cher...

       [待更新] Pour acheter votre produit air max blanche pas cher, et profiter des meilleurs prix air max blanche, La Redoute simplifie votre achat sur Internet.

    www.airmaxstheablan*he.org - UTF-8 - 2015-08-17

  • tianjialihb.com

    首頁 富地生...

       [待更新] 專業製造化肥、葉麵肥、沖施肥、水溶肥、噴施肥、功能性肥料、化肥價格、化肥廠傢、葉麵肥價格、葉麵肥廠傢、沖施肥價格、沖施肥廠傢、水溶肥價格、水溶肥廠傢、噴施肥價格、噴施肥廠傢、功能性肥料價格、功能性肥料廠傢...

    www.*ianjialihb.com/ - GB2312 - 2015-07-17

  • npdongjun.com


       [待更新] 南皮縣東駿泡沫製品有限公司專業從事外牆保溫闆, 泡沫消失模以及消失模白模的生産和銷售,歡迎來電諮詢:***

    www.npdo*gjun.com - GB2312 - 2015-05-28

  • taocigunbang.cc


       [待更新] 淄博奧克羅拉陶瓷科技有限公司專業從事陶瓷輥棒, 髙溫陶瓷輥棒以及活性氧化鋁球的生産和銷售,歡迎來電諮詢

    www.tao*igunbang.cc - GB2312 - 2015-05-07

  • whbljdz.com


       [待更新] 威海寶麗佳電子有限公司主營納米氧化锆粉, ITO粉, 陶瓷結構件等産品, 公司以雄厚的科技勢力爲基礎, 積極開拓市場, 産品廣銷各地, 自産品打入市場以來, 以其優異的質量和誠信在市場上享有極髙的聲譽

    www.whbljdz*.com/ - UTF-8 - 2015-01-14

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  • chempute.com

    Computer Software for the Engineering and Industry

       [待更新] Chempute Software sells software covering the Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, and Instrumentation Engineering disciplines. Within these fields, we specialise in Pipe Stress Analysis, Pressure Vessel Design, Process Flowsheet Simulation and Cost Estimating. We also provide selected software in the fields of, Occupational Health and Safety, Risk Analysis and CAD (Plant design).

    www.ch*mpute.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-28

  • moleculartopology.com

    Molecular Topology

       [待更新] Molecular topology is an application of graph theory and statistics in fields like chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, in which the molecular structure matters.

    www.molecul*rtopology.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-22

  • molknow.com

    Molecular Knowledge Systems...

       [待更新] physical property estimation, chemical product design

    www.molk*ow.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-22

  • tecnochem.com

    Tecnochem Italiana S

       [待更新] Tecnochem Itliana S.p.A. Home Page home page portal Construction Products and Technology construction products and technology concrete additives additive retarder accelerator Liquid Processing Chemicals for Cement Minerals minerlas grindind aid Grindind Aid liquid processing chemicals for cement liquid processing chemical Liquid Processing Chemical Cr VI Reducer reducer Chromium VI Reducer

    www.tecnoche*.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-16

  • texelgraphics.com

    Search engines...

       [待更新] We build web applications. From business tools to social and educational media, we have the team that can turn your tech fantasies into reality.

    www.texe*graphics.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-22

  • thechemistrydesigns.com



    www.th*chemistrydesigns.com - GB2312 - 2018-03-21

  • ti.ee



    www.t*.ee - UTF-8 - 2017-07-20

  • uncommondescent.com

    Serving The Intellige...


    www.uncommondescent*.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-16

  • visitthelab.com


       [待更新] Chemistry is an independent agency with offices in Atlanta & Pittsburgh. We were recently named as an Ad Age Agency of the Year. Click to see our famous work.

    www.vis*tthelab.com - UTF-8 - 2017-07-17

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