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Coatings 塗料

創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。

  • seal-once.com

    Waterproofing Sealers Stains For Wood...

       [待審] Our wood & masonry sealers, finishes & wood stains perform like oil-based products without the odor, toxic chemicals or harmful side-effects.

    www.seal*once.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • shot-blast.com



    www.shot*blast.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • rdcoatings.com


       [待審] R & D Coatings, LLC. is a privately held company that specializes in the formulations, development, and manufacturing of UV (Ultraviolet) and EB (Electron Beam) curable finishes.

    www.r*coatings.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • renotex.co.uk


       [待審] Renotex. The wall and floor coating that renovates, protects and stops costly building maintenance

    www.*enotex.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • sewershield.com

    Environmental Coatings LLC


    www.sew*rshield.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • signfinishes.com

    Home | Grip-Gard

      ::0High quality sign protection - Every Grip-Gard coating delivers beautiful, vibrant color that brings your signage to life for the world to see.

    www.signfinishes.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • micronmetals.com

    Purity Metals...

      ::0With sixty years of special materials expertise, our technical experience helps guide the material selection process, and AEE's attention to all aspects of customer service helps complete the process with the necessary documentation, safe and secure packaging, and shipping with the understanding of all DOT regulations ensuring your material arrives safely and on time.

    www.micronmetals.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-10

  • scplasticcoating.com

    S C Plastic Coating


    www.scplasticcoating*.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-09

  • rosecoatings.com



    www.r*secoatings.com - UTF-8 - 2024-06-09

  • primefinishing.net

    Powder Coating

      ::0Prime Finishing LLC, has been providing custom powder coating and liquid military certified painting since 2000. Prime Finishing LLC is located in Gardena California, and has the highest quality powder coating and spray painting in the industry. Custom colors and standard colors are available and can be seen on the color chart page.

    www.primefinishing.net - ISO-8859-1 - 2024-06-05

  • deffolon.com


       [待更新] 清遠市偉暢達化工有限公司專註於髙性能樹脂和納米塗料。主要産品有特氟龍PTFE、水性有機矽耐髙溫塗料、幕牆陶瓷塗料、不粘塗料等。爲客戶量身定製各種功能塗料,更爲客戶解決問題而研發塗料。

    www.def*olon.com - UTF-8 - 2021-10-30

  • sikacoating.com

    Sika Group


    www.sikacoa*ing.com - UTF-8 - 2018-11-26

  • dipingqi1.com


       [待更新] 地坪漆專傢―天津康仕達化工塗料有限公司主要生産油漆、塗料環氧地坪漆等化工産品,歡迎購買我廠油漆塗料産品,我廠生産的油漆塗料近期已通過QS認證, 各種油漆塗料産品全部通過國傢質檢機關認證。是油漆招商、供應、採購的網上平臺,更是油漆企業銷售産品、及網上招商的首選網站。專業油漆...

    www.dipingqi*.com - GB2312 - 2018-12-01

  • nichyo.net


       [待更新] 江門日洋裝飾材料有限公司擁有雄厚的經濟實力與技術開發實力, 公司爲瞭不斷滿足客戶的個性化需求, 從未停止過對藝術塗料和工具的創新與研發, 在短短幾年時間裏日洋公司憑借自身雄厚實力與不斷進取的精神, 在江門紮根並壯大, 爲提髙顧客滿意度而不斷創新。...

    www.nic*yo.net - UTF-8 - 2021-02-04

  • mychemjob.com


       [待更新] 化工專業人才網-是至大化工人才網,化工英才網,化工人才網,化工招聘網,塗料人才網, 提供化工行業至新至全求職招聘信息, 化工企業招聘及化工從業者求職的首選平臺!

    www.mychem*ob.com - UTF-8 - 2015-12-04

  • cnzhh.com


       [待更新] 正海虹是專業生産紅櫻桃漆, 内牆漆, 水漆, 工程牆麵漆, 外牆漆, 鋼結構專用漆, 氟碳漆, 醇酸漆, 丙稀酸麵漆, 聚氨酸漆, 地坪漆, 防水塗料, 木器漆的塗料生産廠傢, 正海虹塗料有限公司本着尊重環保理唸, 生産國内品質至髙的環保漆、水漆産品, 打造紅櫻桃髙端傢健康裝漆品牌, 正海虹紅櫻桃漆用...

    www.*nzhh.com - UTF-8 - 2015-12-04

  • yishutuliao.cn


       [待更新] “現代大師”藝術質感塗料領先品牌。專業提供藝術塗料, 藝術漆, 肌理漆,馬來漆,特效漆,酒店用藝術塗料, 别墅用質感塗料施工服務。24小時顧客服務:***

    www.yishutulia*.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-12-04

  • huangchaoqi.com


       [待更新] 中國十大油漆塗料品牌--皇朝漆皇朝漆於2004年成立,品牌在2010年入駐上海世博民企館參展,招商熱線:***,主營産品有:皇朝乳膠漆|内外牆塗料|木器漆|裝修塗料|真石漆|防水塗料|乳膠漆|海藻泥,長期誠招油漆塗料代理商,共同雙赢!...

    www.huangchaoq*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-12-04

  • bauhiniahk.com.hk


       [待更新] 十大環保塗料, 紫荊花漆網站具有多個油漆塗料産品係列,包括傢裝民用漆(内外牆乳膠漆、水性木器漆及油性木器漆)、工業漆(傢具漆、塑料漆、重工業漆等)及工程漆, 淨味油漆, 環保油漆品牌, 如何選購乳膠漆、傢具油漆、淨味油漆首選紫荊花漆。...

    www.b*uhiniahk.com.hk - GB2312 - 2015-12-04

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