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Rubber Products 橡膠及製品

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  • samco.co.uk

    Samco Silicone Products

       [待更新] Samco Silicone Products - We manufacture and supply a full range of silicone products including; Suction & Delivery Hose, Silicone Tubing, Silicone Rubber Sheeting, Gaskets, Expanded Silicone Sponge, Precision Mouldings, Extruded Silicone Profiles, Masking And Finishing, Self Amalgamating Tape, Silicones For Adhesion and Sealing, Specialist Hosing, Reinforced Tubing and Fabrications.

    www.samc*.co.uk - ISO-8859-1 - 2017-12-21

  • premiumsiliconetubing.com

    UK and Ireland sales...

       [待更新] Premium Silicone Tubing Silicone Tubing Supplier part of Polymer Systems Technology Limited is the UK and Ireland distributor for: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions a leading global supplier of high-quality polymer tubing products for countless applications.

    www.premiumsiliconetubin*.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-21

  • rubber-label.com

    rubber label tags

       [待更新] YongSing manufactory is in manufacture :rubber zipper puller, Labels, Tags, Badges, Velcro Cuff Tab, silicone, silk-screen pressure, Key Chain, Promothon Gifts

    www.rubber-la*el.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-21

  • asvi.com

    Compact Construction Equipment...


    www.a*vi.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-21

  • reissmfg.com

    Reiss Manufacturing

       [待更新] Since 1896, Reiss Manufacturing has lead the industry as a silicone rubber manufacturer. Reiss specializes in silicone, thermoplastics, and plastic molding.

    www.reis*mfg.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-21

  • silicone-polymers.co.uk

    Polymer Systems Technology Limited

       [待更新] Silicones Selection Guide - Silicones Properties Search - Dispensing Tools and Equipment - Silicone and Silicone Rubber for Aerospace, Engineering, Healthcare, R&D, Manufacture and Technology

    www.silicone-polymer*.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2017-12-20

  • seashorerubber.com

    Wholesale Rubber seals manufacturers...

       [待更新] We are a group company, we have Rubber seals factory, wholesale Rubber seals worldwide, professional manufacturer and supplier of Rubber seals, Rubber extrusions and Window rubber seals in China.

    www.seashorer*bber.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-20

  • regalrubber.co.uk

    Regal Rubber Partnership LLP suppliers of rubber sheeting products and rubber an...

       [待更新] Regal Rubber Company manufacturers, suppliers of rubber/ polyurethane roller covers, rubber sheeting products, general rubber goods; Silicone, Button Stud Matting, Covering, Rubber-to-Metal Bonding.

    www.regalr*bber.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2017-12-20

  • real-seal.com

    Specialty Seals

       [待更新] For a variety of industrial applications, Real Seal offers high quality O-rings and mechanical component goods. Click for more info on products and the company.

    www.real*seal.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-20

  • rubbertech2000.co.uk

    Rubber Keypad & Rubber Mouldings Manufacturer

       [待更新] Rubbertech are a leading manufacturer and supplier of rubber keypads and mouldings, with over 20 years’ experience in the industry. Contact us on (01594)***.

    www.rubbertech*000.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2017-12-20

  • xiangjiaozhishuidai.net


       [待更新] 衡水凱奧工程橡膠有限公司專業生産各種型號、規格國標橡膠止水帶、中埋式橡膠止水帶、外貼式橡膠止水帶、鋼邊止水帶、止水條、橋樑橡膠支座、橋樑伸縮縫、管道封堵氣囊等産品。諮詢電話:***

    www.xiangji*ozhishuidai.net - UTF-8 - 2015-11-03

  • tczsc.com


       [待更新] 【可信網站】安徽江河止水銅片有限公司, 從事水利水電工程止水方麵服務線路***專業生産止水銅片, 止水銅帶, 紫銅止水片, 紫銅片止水帶, 止水橡膠, 質優價廉·誠信第一

    www.t*zsc.com - UTF-8 - 2015-11-03

  • shun7.cn



    www.sh*n7.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-11-03

  • hsrhzs.com


       [待更新] 衡水瑞亨橡塑是一傢緻力於橡膠止水帶、止水帶、pvc止水帶、橡膠充氣芯模等産品生産的企業。我們對於這些産品的生産,已有多年的曆史,産品的質量有保障,而且我們的産品在用戶中有着很好的口碑。

    www.h*rhzs.com - UTF-8 - 2015-11-03

  • sdmbxcl.com


       [待更新] 山東名邦新材料有限公司是一傢專註於彩色路麵, 彩色防滑路麵, 陶瓷顆粒, 彩色陶瓷顆粒, 陶瓷顆粒膠材料生産銷售、施工服務一體化和專業化的髙科技建材企業, 廠傢價格銷售, 施工隊伍專業, 産品使用壽命長, 價格闔理, 質量有保證, 歡迎前來諮詢...

    www.sdmb*cl.com - UTF-8 - 2020-10-31

  • xiangsu.org


       [待更新] 橡膠人才網, 橡膠技術網, 橡膠英才網, 橡塑人才網, 打造至大的橡膠人才招聘網站, 努力成爲橡膠求職找工作必上橡膠網站。橡膠人才網(www.xiangsu.org)是橡膠技術網旗下專爲橡膠領域的企業和從業人員提供招聘、求職及培訓信息交流的專業橡膠人才服務網站。橡膠配方, 橡膠工藝...

    www.*iangsu.org - GB2312 - 2017-05-18

  • sbxrubber.com


       [待更新] 深圳市世邦欣科技有限公司位於深圳寶安龍華,專業生産各種乳膠管條,矽膠管條,橡膠製品,橡膠管條,塑膠管條、墨管等各種橡膠製品和矽膠製品。電話:***

    www.sbxrubber*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-05-21

  • lfxunda.com


       [待更新] 增強型聚丙烯防腐膠帶|RPC橡塑型防腐冷纏帶|冷縮型電纜附件|熱收縮帶|熱收縮套|無溶劑環氧塗料|無溶劑環氧煤塗料|熱縮管|熱縮型電力電纜附件|氧熔棒|穿越用環氧玻璃鋼|軸承機軸承座|蝶閥|球閥

    www.lfxu*da.com - UTF-8 - 2015-10-26

  • hsyhgcxj.com


       [待更新] 衡水逸海工程橡膠有限公司主要産品爲:公路橋樑闆式橡膠支座;公路橋樑盆式支座係列;網架鋼支座係列;球型支座係列;梳齒闆式橋樑伸縮裝置係列;橡膠止水帶、遇水膨脹止水帶和閘門水封係列橡膠製品;橡膠抽拔管、橡膠墊塊、橡膠護舷等七大係列、千餘個型號的橋樑配件産品,電話:*****...

    www.*syhgcxj.com - UTF-8 - 2018-06-26

  • roweindustries.com

    Leading Manufacturer of High Voltage Silicone Wire Tape

       [待更新] Rowe Industries is a world-class manufacturer of UL, CSA, Specialty, & Military approved high-voltage silicone wire & silicone tape made in the USA.

    www.roweindust*ies.com - UTF-8 - 2017-12-20

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