zekiel helps churches and organizations...
[待更新] E-zekiel offers website development tools for building and maintaining church websites, ministry websites, non-profit websites, mission websites and organization websites.www.e-zekie*.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-09-16
[待更新] 髙德是中國領先的數字地圖内容、導航和位置服務解決方案提供商。髙德擁有中國領先的電子地圖數據庫,並擁有多個“甲級資質”。在汽車導航、政府和企業應用、互聯網及移動互聯網位置服務應用三大業務領域均處於市場領先地位。...www.autonavi*.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-05-17
- GBK - 2014-05-14
[待更新] AVG是全球167個國傢/地區, 超過1.1億人使用的便捷安全防毒軟件專傢。AVG通用正版殺毒軟件2013版, 提供中文版分享, 不佔電腦資源, 用至領先的技術, 爲您打造一個至安全的網絡環境。www.a*g.com
- UTF-8 - 2013-02-24
Website design Web development...
[待更新] Website design and development company in Phuket, Thailand. Blue DZine provides IT solutions such as webdesign, application and software, IT ifrastructure, and offshore outsourcingwww.b*uedzine.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-03-29
Finale Music Notation Software Products...
[待更新] Finale, the world standard for music notation software, lets you compose, arrange, notate, and print engraver-quality sheet music.www.fina*emusic.com
- UTF-8 - 2013-12-22
No a les patents de programari
[待更新] Software patents should not be legalized in the European Union. This website explains what a patent is, why software should not be patented and how current activities within the European Union, e.g. the EPLA, would make software patents enforcable. Every software patent is a barrier to innovation. The EU Council and the European Parliament should disallow software patents for the sake of Europe's future.www.nosoftwa*epatents.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-09-16
Linux User & Developer
- UTF-8 - 2019-03-25
[待更新] 上海吉運軟件技術有限公司是一傢專業從事IT諮詢、係統集成、軟件開發、信息技術服務和提供電子商務整體解決方案的軟件企業。公司彙聚瞭一批行業閱曆資深、技術實力雄厚、營銷經驗豐富、管理嚴謹的優秀人才,始終堅持“以客戶爲中心以産品爲生命、以服務求生存、以人才爲根本、以創新促發展...www.*1e.com.cn
- UTF-8 - 2014-05-17
[待更新] 資深的深圳網站建設公司和網站推廣及網絡推廣公司,專註於網站推廣軟件和網絡推廣軟件的研發及深圳網站建設,深圳網站製作,深圳網站設計等等;客戶有深圳大學,研祥集團,萬利達集團,水務集團,萬科集團,同洲電子,能源集團,瑪莎集團,華強集團等等。...www.heng*d.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-05-14