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Soundproof Materials 隔音材料

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  • kt.kz

    Kazakhstan Today информационное агентств...


    www.*t.kz - UTF-8 - 2016-02-08

  • acoustica.com.au

    Acoustica Sound proofing


    www.aco*stica.com.au - ISO-8859-1 - 2016-02-08

  • gkacoustics.com

    Professional Sound Booths and Noise Control Produc...

       [待更新] Gretch-Ken Sound Booths, vocal booths, recording booths, sound isolation booths, noise reduction, sound reduction, sound control, studio foam, noise foam, control booths, sound barrier materials and soundproofing treatments

    www.gkacou*tics.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-08

  • bayareanoisecontrol.com

    Bay Area Noise Control

       [待更新] ay Area Noise Control is a local San Francisco soundproofing company providing soundproofing consulting, soundproofing installations & remodeling, and professional soundproofing products. We are a team of experienced acoustical consultants, specialty...

    www.bayareanoi*econtrol.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-08

  • asiproaudio.com

    Soundproofing Acoustical Noise and Vibration Control Products

       [待更新] Welcome to Asiproaudio.com. Asiproaudio.com offers noise control, soundproofing and acoustical products and materials. Many of our products are

    www.asiproaudio*.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2016-02-08

  • domesticsoundproofing.co.uk

    Domestic Soundproofing Products

       [待更新] domestic soundproofing and acoustic specialists sound proofing materials for the home

    www.domesticsoundproo*ing.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2016-02-07

  • greengluecompany.com

    Green Glue


    www.g*eengluecompany.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-07

  • acoustiproducts.com

    Quiet Acoustic Ra...

       [待更新] Acousti Products – noise reduction for server, computer and comms equipment. Quiet Racks, soundproofing materials, and quiet components for PCs.

    www.*coustiproducts.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-07

  • customaudiodesigns.co.uk

    Soundproofing Products Sound insulation Acoustic Insulation Noise Control UK

       [待更新] Soundproofing products acoustic insulation sound insulation commercial domestic industrial environmental noise control

    www.customaudiodes*gns.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2016-02-07

  • citysoundproofing.com

    Welcome to City Sounproofing

       [待更新] City Soundproofing combines personal service, acoustics know-how, and the most advanced technology to meet your noise control needs.

    www.c*tysoundproofing.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-07

  • gdxmgd.com


       [待更新] 星瑪隔斷是一傢專業生産研發、設計安裝、售後服務爲一體屏風廠傢,提供各種活動隔斷産品,通用設計與現場測量,服務線路***

    www.g*xmgd.com/ - GB2312 - 2014-02-27

  • bjxyb.cn


       [待更新] 北京隆億達主要生産吸音闆,木質吸音闆,聚酯纖維吸音闆,所生産的木質穿孔吸音闆是根據聲學原理精緻加工而成, 既有木製本身的裝潢效果, 又有良好的吸音性能.與其它的吸聲産品相比有其獨到之處。(***)...

    www.bjx*b.cn - GB2312 - 2015-05-12

  • qdgeyin.com


       [待更新] 青島宏盛達隔音材料有限公司代理西班牙DANOSA隔音材料,生産銷售ktv隔音材料、隔音氈、隔音闆、樓闆隔音材料、吸音軟包、隔音棉、會議室吸音、木質吸音闆、酒店隔音、機房隔音、隔聲罩等隔音産品,我們誌在爲客戶提供至專業的聲學設計,至闔適的隔音産品,以及至佳的隔音解決方案。...

    www.qdgeyin*.com - GB2312 - 2014-08-22

  • boyanban.com


       [待更新] 山東陽谷康達保溫建材廠是專業生産銷售環保型玻岩闆, 紡織廠專用吊頂闆的廠傢, 玻岩闆産品品質好價格優惠深受人們歡迎, 廠傢訂購電話***

    www.boyanban*.com - GB2312 - 2013-11-19

  • zhongshengsx.com

    吸音闆價格 報價 圖片...

       [待更新] 吸音闆是指闆狀的具有吸音減噪作用的聲學材料, 木質吸音闆是根據聲學原理精緻加工而成.常用吸音闆分類一般分爲木質吸音闆和聚酯纖維吸音闆顔色豐富易安裝被廣氾運用, 佛山中聲聲學吸音闆廠傢專業提供各種優質吸音闆歡迎來點諮詢:***...

    www.zhong*hengsx.com - GB2312 - 2015-05-12

  • geyin333.com


       [待更新] 廣州建音公司是一傢專業酒吧隔音, 酒吧隔音裝修, ktv隔音裝修, 酒吧吸音隔音, ktv隔音, 隔音減震器;緻力打造慢搖吧隔音, 迪吧隔音, 酒吧減震, 隔音工程, 酒吧聲學設計等研發、生産、銷售、施工於一體的專業化公司, 是吸音隔音行業的領軍企業。諮詢熱線:***。...

    www.geyin3*3.com - GB2312 - 2013-12-02

  • smalldin.com


     [盟] ::0上海音靜雲建材有限公司銷售主打産品有擴散闆、木絲吸音闆、陶鋁吸音闆、防火吸音闆、阻燃吸音闆、木絲闆、生態木、佈藝軟包、三聚氫氨環保型等8大係列100多個品種。産品價格實惠,歡迎到我廠傢選購

    www.smalldin.com - GB2312 - 2024-12-23

  • nuoshengde.com



    www.nuo*hengde.com - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

  • panhoo88.cn


       [待更新] 上海盤滬隔音材料公司是一傢專業生産吸音闆、隔音材料的大型吸音材料生産廠傢,我廠是國内專業的隔音闆、隔音材料、聚酯纖維吸音闆的生産製造商,我們實力雄厚,緻力於解決隔音材料的需求問題,吸音材料具有吸音好、強度髙、立體感強、環保性能佳等特點,隔音材料爲您營造優質環境、 綠色生...

    www.pa*hoo88.cn - GB2312 - 2015-05-12

  • mexin.com.tw


       [待更新] Mexin美絲® 吸音闆想讓office變成好感辦公室嗎? 優質的生活空間除瞭在意視覺美感, 更別忘瞭耳朵的舒適度也很重要呢!華奕國際實業有限公司--Mexin美絲® 吸音係列産品,提供給您空間聲音處理對策與視覺美學上的融闔方案。美絲吸音闆榮獲國傢綠建材標章, MIT微笑標...

    www.*exin.com.tw - UTF-8 - 2015-11-21

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