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Life Sciences 生命科學

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  • cuiy.top


       [待更新] 順通健康***官方微信stjk009, 是一傢專業跨境醫療服務公司,爲患者提供一站式國際醫療諮詢服務,讓更多的患者享受到國際至新醫療成果。直接對接其它醫院, 提供百分百正品保證的老撾版靶向藥諮詢服務, 如艾麴波帕, 奧西替尼, 維奈託克, 佈加替尼格, 奧拉帕尼 等藥品...

    www.cui*.top - UTF-8 - 2020-12-23

  • pnabio.com


       [待更新] PNA BIO offers quality research products for custom PNA oligomers, FISH probes, PCR blockers and CRISPR/Cas9 service (Cas9 protein, sgRNA, KO cells, KI cells).

    www.pn*bio.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-08-28

  • optionline.org

    Pregnancy Help onweb...

       [待更新] Pregnancy Help onweb

    www.optionlin*.org - UTF-8 - 2020-05-20

  • alphabiolabs.us

    Paternity Testing...

       [待更新] AlphaBiolabs is America's first choice for DNA testing. Quick & accurate results from an award-winning DNA lab. Order a home paternity test kit today.

    alphab*olabs.us/ - UTF-8 - 2020-05-15

  • 440306.com


       [待更新] 長沙基因檢測採用超髙的無創産前基因檢測技術, 並運用國際先進水平髙通量基因測序技術, 通過基因檢測提供個性化治療和早期篩查方案, , 長沙孕期基因檢測, 親子鑒定, 長沙基因檢測多少錢。

    www.440306*.com - UTF-8 - 2020-05-11

  • glpbio.com

    Inhibitors Wholesale

       [待更新] Glpbio--Inhibitors Wholesale

    glpb*o.com - UTF-8 - 2020-03-19

  • doctorpvnaresh.com

    Best Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon in Hyderabad

       [待更新] Dr. PV Naresh is an acclaimed top Cardiothoracic Surgeon in Hyderabad at the world-renowned Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad.

    do*torpvnaresh.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-02-21

  • bioleagues.com

    upcoming international medical conference...

       [待更新] bioleagues medical conference in 2020. upcoming international medical / life science conference in 2020. Bioleagues worldwide upcoming conferences which prominently promotes research and development

    bio*eagues.com - UTF-8 - 2020-01-25

  • tuthuoc24h.net

    Tra Cứu Thuốc Đầy Đủ Chính Xác Nhất 202...


    tuth*oc24h.net - UTF-8 - 2020-01-03

  • rwdls.com


       [待更新] 瑞沃德提供的動物實驗設備,其中光遺傳係統、腦立體定位儀、呼吸麻醉機、手術器械、顱腦精密打機器、胎牛血清等廣氾應用在生命科學、動物健康、臨床醫療領域。闔作單位有北京大學、清華大學、浙江大學、複旦大學、中山大學、輝瑞、葛蘭素史克等。...

    www.r*dls.com/ - UTF-8 - 2019-11-20

  • icbr.ac.cn



    www.icbr*.ac.cn - GB2312 - 2016-03-22

  • stemcellconsortium.org

    International Consortium of Stem Cell Networks


    www.stemcell*onsortium.org - UTF-8 - 2011-08-02

  • criver.com

    Charles River Laboratories

       [待更新] At Charles River, our mission is to provide exactly what researchers need to develop new therapeutics for patients as rapidly as possible.

    www.cr*ver.com - UTF-8 - 2013-10-28

  • gene2drug.com



    www.gene2drug*.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2013-10-28

  • wcgene.com



    www.wcg*ne.com/ - UTF-8 - 2014-07-26

  • angliadna.co.uk

    Paternity Tests


    www.angliad*a.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2015-05-19

  • biobest.co.uk

    Welcome to Biobest


    www.biobe*t.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2015-05-24

  • bioresearchonline.com


      ::1Bioprocess onweb bioanalytics, bioreactors, bioprocess sensors, cell culture media, immunochemicals, chromatography, cell culture media, biopharm contract manufacturing

    www.bioresearchonline.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-02

  • dnaconsultants.com

    Home of the DNA Fingerprint

       [待更新] ISO-accredited DNA test company and genomics laboratory selling a comprehensive range of genetic genealogy products for your family and medical history needs, including paternity tests, DNAPrint ethnotyping, Native American DNA, African American DNA and specialty products such as World-MatchT Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA tests, genetic disorder reports, and surname origin and meaning.

    www.dnacon*ultants.com - UTF-8 - 2011-02-15

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