Lighting & Display 照明與燈具
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[待更新] 白虹照明有限公司位於古鎮,專業生産研發銷售各種LED低壓平闆燈、水晶燈,現代水晶燈,低壓水晶燈,現代平闆低壓水晶燈,卧室燈,水晶燈和低壓燈找白虹照明。www.*
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-20中山水晶燈...
[待更新] 中山市王庭燈飾有限公司,是一傢專業生産髙檔傳統水晶燈,酒店髙級會所非標燈飾的名優企業。2005年,總部設在廣東省中山市古鎮,總麵積達7千多平方米的現代化髙新生産基地座落其中。www.*
- GB2312 - 2015-10-20廣州翔飛照明科技有限公司...
[待更新] 廣州翔飛照明科技有限公司|中國好燈泡, 翔飛蠟燭泡|精品蠟燭泡 翔飛照明, LED球泡燈, LED蠟燭燈,尖泡,拉尾,球泡www.*
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-20led路燈廠傢
- GB2312 - 2015-10-20中山市古鎮長庚燈飾廠
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-20臺燈及落地燈...
[待更新] 興南燈飾有限公司是一傢專業生産節能燈具的公司,産品包括:戶外燈、吸頂燈、壁燈、吊燈、臺燈及落地燈,産品遠銷歐美及亞洲等國傢和地區。公司的節能燈飾産品已獲CUL及CE認證,同時也按CUL及CE標準生産與節能燈具相配套的電子鎮流器。...www.xing-na*.com
- GB2312 - 2015-10-20廣州星晨舞臺燈光音響電子廠
- GB2312 - 2015-10-20東莞市星光汽車燈飾用品廠
- GB2312 - 2015-10-20新馬燈飾...
[待更新] 中山市古鎮新馬燈飾廠,是一傢以生産爲主,集設計、開發、生産、銷售中髙檔水晶燈、酒店工程燈、LED燈等髙檔工程及傢居燈具於一體的燈飾廠,熱線:***。www.xinmal*
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-20新馬燈飾|水晶燈|水晶燈十大品牌|歐式水晶燈|水晶吊燈|酒店工程燈...
[待更新] 中山市古鎮新馬燈飾廠是一傢集設計及生産中髙檔水晶燈、歐式水晶燈、水晶吊燈、酒店工程燈等工程及傢居燈具於一體的燈飾廠,馮生:***,QQ:***,品質與服務是新馬燈飾第一生産力!www.xi*
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-20
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Te Rapa Hamilton New Zealand
[待更新] Electrical Supply Corp. We import and market leading tradesman's products. Our market focus is primarily based around servicing and supporting electrical and plumbing wholesalers plus selected OEM's, auto-electrical wholesalers and specific industrial companies.www.arcli*
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-25Argus Lighting Home Page
[待更新] Argus Lighting, with branches in London and Essex, offers a wide range of lighting products for every part of the home and garden.www.arguslighting*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-01-24Arrow the lighting and electrical specialists
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-01-31Artistic Smart Homes...
[待更新] Artistic Smart Homes offers customized home automation solutions including, Custom Home Theatres, Multi-room Audio and Video, Automated Lighting and Shading,www.artisticsmarth*
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-27Ashley Lighting
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-28Commercial & Industrial Lighting Home Page
[待更新] Commercial and Industrial Lighting Agency headquartered in Jacksonville Floridawww.asiligh*
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-25Astral Design Staging Lighting Production Design
[待更新] Astral Design Ltd are based in Kent and are specialists in event lighting design. We excel at architectural and environmental lighting installations, projection and equally experienced in corporate events and parties. We are constantly active in the outdoor event arena and live eventswww.ast*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-01-25Auckland
[待更新] For comprehensive lighting solutions in Auckland, call Astrum Lighting today on***. Let our years of experience help to guide you!www.a*
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-26Existent Domain
- UTF-8 - 2015-04-20Holiday Christmas Lighting by Property Creations
[待更新] Professional holiday decorating and lighting provided by Atlanta's most experienced team. Service areas include: Alpharetta, Atlanta, Cumming, Dahlonega, Dawsonville, Duluth, Dunwoody, Gainesville, Norcross, Roswell, and Sandy Springs.www.atlantaholidayli*
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-25