Oil Seal & Ring 油封、油環
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[待更新] 青島同興密封件廠網站——青島密封件|平度機械密封件|青島油封|O型圈|橡膠密封件|聚氨酯密封件|www.qd-tongxin*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28青島聖特泰密封有限公司
[待更新] 青島聖特泰密封有限公司(原青島華冠密封工業有限公司)始建於1992年,公司坐落在風景秀麗的海濱城市--青島。公司總佔地麵積22000,建築麵積16000,本公司已經初步成爲國内同行業的主導企業。2000年通過的ISO9002國際質量體係認證,2007年通過瞭ISO/TS...www.qdhua*uan.cn
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28髙效減水劑專用萘...
[待更新] 山東齊隆化工股份有限公司是全國至大的改性石油樹脂、髙效減水劑專用萘生産企業,主要從事改性石油樹脂係列、髙效減水劑專用萘、分散劑專用甲基萘、甲基環戊二烯二聚體、雙環戊二烯、髙沸點芳烴係列、碳九餾分稀釋劑等産品的生産與銷售。...www.qilong*hem.com
- GB2312 - 2016-02-28冬夏移動空調...
[待更新] 上海藍門製冷設備有限公司打造製冷暖通一站式採購平臺;現貨供應比澤爾、萊富康、漢鍾等主流壓縮機及配件,供應太陽、冰熊、CPI、出光冷凍油品及杜邦、霍尼韋爾、偉昌製冷劑、供應東富龍凍幹機及相關備品備件。...www.ra*m.com.cn
- GB2312 - 2016-02-28India
[待更新] Rajhansoilseals.com, is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter in india of various sealing products including oil seals for various automobile and industrial applications at affordable prices.www.*ajhansoilseals.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-02-28佛山市嵘德密封技術有限公司...
[待更新] 我司主要生産供應優質的格萊圈、斯特封、導向帶、氾塞封, 防塵圈、U型圈、聚氨酯車削密封件等液壓密封件;主要産品係列有:活塞杆與活塞通用密封係列、活塞杆密封係列、活塞密封係列,旋轉密封係列,防塵圈係列,氾塞封係列,工程機械密封係列等。...www.rd*fj.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28Ready Seal
[待更新] Ready Sealwww.readyseal*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28Ringlink Scotland the UK's Largest Machinery Ring
[待更新] Ringlink Scotland Ltd.www.ringlinkscotla*d.co.uk
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28Ringmaster Rubbing Oil
[待更新] Ringmaster Rubbing Oil provides deep penetrating relief for aches Pains. Your Alternative medication for Arthritis Bursitis Stiff Neck Sore Muscles and morewww.ringm*ster-oil.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Dealer Fla
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28
創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。
TGS Ball Bearings Miniatures LIMITED
[待更新] NTN 6203llb Bearing Ball Bearings Miniatures & Double Row Angular Contact Bearings for sale from TGS BEARING LIMITED, we provide Ball Bearings Miniatures for a long time at lowest price from 597 Kimberly Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois U.S.A..rh-*sugaike.com/
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-08NSK 6200du Bearing
[待更新] NSK 6200du Bearing, Bearing units, Insert bearings & Deep groove ball bearings for sale from SNR Bearing Argentina, we provide Bearing units, Insert bearings for a long time at lowest price from Viamonte***Floor***Buenos Aires, Argentina.chilcotinlo*ge.com/
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-03不鏽鋼鏈條價格...
[待更新] 山東鑫力機械有限公司一傢專業生産礦用圓環鏈條廠傢, g80起重鏈條批發, 不鏽鋼鏈條價格, 提昇機鏈鈎, 撈渣機專用鏈條, 闆式鏈條報價, 山東船用錨鏈, 礦用開口式連接環, 刮闆輸送機鏈輪等鏈條的廠傢,可根據客戶的需求, 生産定做,諮詢熱線:***...www.xtxll*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28金石期貨
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28Gaskets Mouldings Manufacturer
[待更新] DP Seals unique patented tooling & moulding systems allows production of small, close tolerance, flashless rubber mouldings that few companies can match.dpseals.com/*
- UTF-8 - 2019-06-13Teflex Gaske...
[待更新] Teflex is Sealing & Filtration Solutions a Global Supplier in China. Sealing & Gasket : Multidirectional Expanded PTFE, Filled PTFE & Virgin PTFE Sheet, Gasket Materials, Custom PTFE Gaskets, Braided Packing, Non-Asbestos Sheet and Gasket, Metal Gaskets. Filtration: Nano PTFE Air Filter Face Mask Material, Water Treatment, Porous PTFE Tube ect.www.teflexga*ket.com
- UTF-8 - 2020-08-06中國密封件市場
[待更新] 中國密封件市場www.*gmfjsc.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28Feng Chun Trade and Industry Co
[待更新] 廈門沣駿工貿有限公司/Xiamen Fengjun Industrail and Trading Co., Ltd / Fushi Fengjun Industrial and trading Co.,www.*ujis-seal.com/
- GB2312 - 2011-12-22彈簧蓄能密封圈...
- UTF-8 - 2020-01-01石油樹脂...
[待更新] 濮陽市新天化工有限公司於2004年10月建成投産,是一傢集技術開發、産品生産、商業經營三位一體的現代化企業,採用國際先進的生産設備和髙端檢驗技術,長期緻力於石油樹脂的研發、生産和銷售。公司佔地麵積26000平方米,資産5000餘萬元,化工技術及科研人員35人,年産石油樹...www.larges*resin.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-28