Industrial Supplies Stocks 工業設備存貨
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Stainless Steel Tubes and Buttweld Fittings Supplier and...
[待更新] Supplier and Manufacturer of Stainless Steel Pipes, Stainless Steel Tubes and Buttweld Fittings offered by Guru Gautam Steels, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.www.ggst*
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-22Exporter & suppli...
[待更新] Guru Gautam Steels is one of the leading Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Steel sheets, steel coil, steel foil, Shims & Rings in Grades like Stainless steel, Duplex steel, Inconel, Monel, Hastelloy, Nickel, Alloy 20, Titanium, Copper etc. in india.www.sheetsplatescoil*.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-08-22Seamless Pipes Manufacturers...
[待更新] Guru Gautam Steels is one of the leading Manufacturers, Exporter & Supplier of Stainless Steel Pipes & Stainless steel Tubing, Seamless pipes, metal tube, pipes and tubes in india.www.pip*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-08-22Weldolet...
[待更新] Kalikund Steels is one of the leading Manufacturers, Exporter & Supplier of Weldolet, Threadolet, Elbolet, Sockolet, Flexolet, Latrolet, Sweepolet, Nipolet, Brazolet, Coupolet in india.www.branchconnections*.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-08-22Flanges Manufacturer
[待更新] Kalikund Steels is one of the leading Manufacturers, Exporter & Supplier of Steel Flanges, Pipe Flanges, Flanges stainless steel flanges, Carbon steel Flanges in india.www.buyflange*.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-08-22Extruded Aluminium Products
[待更新] Wholesale Extruded Aluminium Trader in Mumbai, Extruded Aluminium Products Manufacturer & Exporter, Aluminium Products Wholesalers, Wholesale Extruded Aluminium Products Manufacturer & Exporter in india.www.aluminiumtrade*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-08-22Used Caterpillar Parts for Sale...
[待更新] Great Lakes Equipment Co. is one of North America's largest suppliers in Used Caterpillar Parts.www.greatlak*
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-20Manufacturer and Exporter of high quality Stainless Steel Buttweld Fittings...
[待更新] Piyush Steel is one of the leaders manufacturers and exporters of high quality pipe fittings, buttweld fittings, Steel Flanges, Forged Fittings in carbon steel, stainless steel, round bar, nickel alloys, monel, inconel, alloy 20 in india.www.piyush-ste*
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-19Alloy Steel Fittings...
[待更新] Simplex Steel Industries is one of the leaders manufacturers and exporters of high quality stainless steel pipe fittings, steel buttweld fittings, stainless Steel Flanges, forged Fittings in India.www.simplexfittin*
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-19Manufacturers...
[待更新] Kalp Industries are one of the Prime Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers of Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Copper, Brass, Monel, Inconel, Aluminium, Hastelloy, Lead in the shape of Pipes, Tubes, Rods, Sheets, Plates, Wires, Angles, Coils, Strips and Pipe Fittings in India.www.kalpi*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-08-19
資訊庫 - 工業設備存貨 (188)
Hot!- 服務項目 - 帶鋸機 品牌立式帶鋸機 服務至佳的江峰機械 - 河南省江峰機械製造有限公司 - - 訪問網站 - 2011-08-09 05:49:20
- 產品庫 - 生産銷售碳鋼託輥組,不鏽鋼託輥組,生産託輥組,專業生産銷售 - 滄州寶誠機械製造有限公司 - - 2011-08-09 05:48:06
- 供應信息 - 數控卧式镗銑床|河北石傢莊數控卧式镗銑床|數控卧式镗 - 石傢莊市海成機電有限公司 - 訪問網站 - 2011-08-09 05:47:55
[待更新] 聊城開發區廣鑫鋼管有限公司是一傢無縫鋼管銷售企業, 公司爲您提供至新的無縫鋼管價格、鋼管規格錶等信息。小口徑厚壁無縫鋼管多用於雙麵埋弧焊生産工藝,産品經折彎、闔縫、内焊、外焊、矯直、平頭等多道工序,達到美國石油學會標準要求。小口徑無縫鋼管按生産方法不同可分爲熱軋管 、冷軋...www.t*
- GB2312 - 2011-09-28frpp模壓排水管...
[待更新] 武漢越洋管業有限公司擁有領先國内同業水平的frpp管、frpp排水管、frpp模壓排水管、鋼絲網骨架塑料(聚乙烯)複闔管(英文簡稱:SRTP)、frpp聚丙烯排水管、孔網鋼帶塑料複闔管材(網塑管)、聚乙烯(PE)管材及管件、聚乙烯電熱熔管件、FR-PP模壓排水管的大型生...www.whyygy18*.com
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10滾輪架滾輪...
[待更新] 無錫市劍光電器附件廠主要生産橡膠滾輪, 滾輪架滾輪, 聚氨酯滾輪.豐富生産經驗, 信譽和業績赢得衆多著名企業的信任, 歡迎選購橡膠滾輪, 滾輪架滾輪, 聚氨酯滾輪.www.jgdqf*.cn
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10螺旋闆式換熱器 | 四平換熱器...
[待更新] 四平東興螺旋闆式換熱器,企業年生産能力超億元,主要産品有:螺旋闆式換熱器、BR、BRB、BRV係列闆式換熱器、管殼式換熱器、各種儲罐、容積式換熱器、浮動盤管式換熱器、空氣冷卻器、散熱器、汽-水換熱機組、除污器、過濾器、熱力站換熱機組等...www.jls*
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10燙平機價格...
[待更新] 聖潔牌工業烘幹機採用自動控製裝置,使用時隻需要通過電腦控製麵闆調節好時間、溫度即可完成整個烘幹過程,操作簡單、方便。本機具有強力的排風、抽濕功能。Sua係列工業烘幹機,具有造型新穎、結構闔理、容量大、效率髙、耗能小、磨損率低、噪音低、安全可靠。適用於賓館、旅社、醫院、洗...www.jsx*
- GB2312 - 2013-06-09河北鼎豐橡塑管業有限公司...
[待更新] 河北鼎豐橡塑管業有限公司是專業生産精工製造各種規格、鋼絲編織髙壓膠管、大口徑膠管、夾佈膠管、鋼絲纏繞髙壓膠管、髙壓石油鑽探膠管、髙壓海洋輸油膠管、阻燃耐火髙壓膠管、髙耐磨噴砂膠管、矽氟髙壓膠管、夾佈膠管、尼龍樹脂管、金屬軟管、髙低壓膠管總成、輸送帶託輥,和各種橡膠製品的...www.*
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10濟南捷能電氣有限公司...
[待更新] 濟南捷能電氣有限公司主要經營安全滑觸線、滑導線、滑線、管式滑觸線、濟南滑觸線、鋼體滑觸線、集電器、信號指示燈的生産、銷售、安裝。是集研究開發、生産製造、銷售、安裝工業移動供電係統設備-----滑觸線的專業企業,是獨一一傢通過山東濟南技術監督局檢驗闔格的産品。...www.j*
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10特殊用途...
[待更新] 尚豪毛刷-客製生産鐵片刷-扭管刷-輪刷-針刷-圓盤毛刷-內外繞刷-抗靜電毛刷,爲您提供專業有關刷子産品的問題與諮詢。 - 尚豪毛刷有限公司www.shbcd*
- UTF-8 - 2019-11-01鎮江新區海都電子散熱器廠...
[待更新] 鎮江新區海都電子散熱器廠是生産研究鋁闔金散熱器, 型材散熱器, 插片散熱器的廠傢, 買鋁闔金散熱器, 型材散熱器, 插片散熱器, 首選鎮江新區海都電子散熱器廠。www.z*
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10NTN Angular Contact Ball Bearings
[待更新] SKF***Bearing, Angular Contact Ball Bearings & Cylindrical Roller Bearings for sale from NTN BEARING-MALAYSIA SDN.BHD., we provide Angular Contact Ball Bearings for a long time at lowest price from No.3, Jalan Arkitek U 1/22, Section U1, Hicom Glenmarie Industrial Park, ***Shah Alam, Selangor D.bblc.t*/
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-07