Insulating Materials 絕緣材料
創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。
[待更新] 南通捷華熱縮管廠傢專業生産-PET熱縮套管, PVC熱收縮套管, PET熱縮膜, PVC熱縮管, PET熱收縮管, PVC熱縮套管, PET熱縮膜, 矽膠熱縮管, PET光擴散熱縮膜, 玻纖管。www.ntsjh*.com
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[待更新] 南通寶加利新材料有限公司專業從事橡膠型保護膜, 黑白保護膜以及自粘膜的生産和銷售,歡迎來電諮詢:***www.nbncfil*.com/
- UTF-8 - 2017-07-03Aerogel Glass...
[待更新] As a leading manufacturer of thermal insulation material and aerogel insulation blanket, Joda has provided comprehensive aerogel and aerogel insulation blanket solutions for local and global market, which has passed the CE, 3C, CQC, CNAS, ISO, SGS, OHSAS18001, RoHS, TUV, BV certification, And as known for innovative environmental technology all over the world.www.aerogelinsulationb*
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[待更新] 超美塑料專業生産加工防靜電pc闆,加硬pc闆,pc擴散闆,pc阻燃闆,pc耐力闆,pc闆加工等。歡迎來電諮詢:***www.chaomeipc*.com
- GB2312 - 2017-01-06Ideatec
[待更新] We are industry specialists in acoustic conditioning and providing acoustic solutions to customers across the country. For more information, contact us!www.i*
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[待更新] Serving all industries, Cleanawater has provided first class wastewater solutions nationally since 1996. Get a quick quote or tailored solution for water treatment & recycling systemscleanaw*
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[待更新] Dynemech Systems is the leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Anti Vibration pads. We have Anti Vibration pads for machinery ranging from Textile Machines, CNC machines, CMM Machines, Power Presses, Lathe Machines, Generators, Compressors, T...vibrationmountsindia*com
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創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。
Indenting world Enterprises
[待更新] Indenting World Enterprises | Importer | Manufacture | Stockiest & Commercial Supplier of Power Transmission Flat Belts, Conveyor Belts, Timing Belts, V Belts, Food Conveyor Belts, PU Conveyor, Rubber Conveyor, PVC Conveyor Belt, Spindle Tape in Karachi Pakistan. We offer different Fresh & Branded Belting to Industries.">www.indentingworld*.com/
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[待更新] We are industry specialists in acoustic conditioning and providing acoustic solutions to customers across the country. For more information, contact us!www.*
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[待更新] We are the Industrial Equipment Manufacturers, Lab Equipment Suppliers all types of products. We are also Known as Engineering Products Exporters all over India.www.cmsy*
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[待更新] 昆山染紡機械配件有限公司www.ks*
- GB2312 - 2014-04-18CGS Specialize in Polyimide Film and Tape
[待更新] Creative Global Services (CGS) is a leading supplier of electrical insulation films and tapes. Quality products and exceptional*
- UTF-8 - 2020-12-18南通崇川振興熱縮套管廠...
[待更新] 南通崇川熱縮套管廠創建於1998年6月18日已有10年曆史的熱縮套管廠傢, 爲您提供江蘇省優質産品翔宇牌pvc熱縮套管等産品。電話:***www.*
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[待更新] 我公司是一傢緻力於弱電智能化係統服務方案解決提供商和産品供應商,專業從事安防監控,髙清攝像頭,海康監控,監控安裝工程,手機信號增強器,安防弱電工程服務www.a*
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[待更新] 石傢莊欒城宏江水處理設備廠主要生産組闔填料,斜管填料,彈性填料等水處理設備,公司全體員工期待與您闔作。www.hjbqt*.com
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