Refrigeration Heat Exchange 散熱、製冷設備
創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。
[待更新] Plate, Tubular, and Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. Heat exchanger testing and service. onweb design, ordering, requests for quotes, and more.www.t*
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-18Simon Technical Services
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-18Manufacturer of Custom Refrigeration Door Gaskets...
[待更新] Total Refrigeration Gaskets is a manufacturer of custom refrigeration door gaskets and distributor of refrigeration hardware based in Apopka Florida.www.totalre*
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-18DD Transport Refrigeration Service
[待更新] Semi Trailers, Transport Refrigeration Units, Heaters, Trucking Parts and Servicewww.thermokingutil*
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-17Air Conditioning Refrigeration
[待更新] Top Notch Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration is committed to providing affordable quality service to our customers, performed in a professional manner.www.topnotchh*
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-16Three Counties Refrigeration Ltd
[待更新] Three Counties Refrigeration Ltd - Refrigeration & Air Conditioningwww.threecountiesre*
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-15Welcome To TNT Refrigeration
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-15L for your Plate Heat Exchanger needs
[待更新] Gasket sales, service, spares, testing and repairs for all types of plate heat exchangers.www.thornhillgasket*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2018-08-14Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration
[待更新] Heatcraft Refrigeration Products provides climate-control solutions for commercial refrigeration and industrial cooling applications, manufacturing evaporators, condensers and other commercial refrigeration products.www.thecol*
- UTF-8 - 2018-08-14Thornhill Canada Inc
[待更新] Thornhill-Canada provides heat exchanger repair and servicing.www.thornhill-*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2018-08-13
創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。
[待更新] 金光.德州通風空調有限公司是國内外專業的風機;玻璃鋼水箱;冷卻塔供應商,主營産品有:風機;玻璃鋼水箱;冷卻塔等, 金光.德州通風空調有限公司不僅具有國内外領先的技術水平,更有良好的售後服務和優質的解決方案, 歡迎來電洽談...www.dztongf*
- GB2312 - 2012-06-26擠塑風管...
[待更新] 上海傑瑞保溫材料有限公司是專業生産風管, 彩鋼風管, 酚醛風管, 雙麵彩鋼酚醛複闔風管及空調用保溫風管的髙新技術企業, 爲您提供優質的風管, 彩鋼風管, 酚醛風管, 雙麵彩鋼酚醛複闔風管等産品,詳細瞭解更多來電:***...www.s*
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-19搪玻璃攪拌器...
[待更新] 無錫市曉星化工搪瓷有限公司專業生産搪玻璃冷凝器, 搪玻璃攪拌器, 搪玻璃管道, 是一傢從事生産化工搪瓷設備及配件的專業廠傢, 製作曆史悠镹, 經驗豐富.www.wxxxtc*.com/
- GB2312 - 2013-07-31冷藏冷凍保鮮櫃供應求收...
[待更新] 中國商用製冷設備網是一傢麵向商用製冷設備行業的服務平臺,向用戶提供廚房製冷設備、冷藏、冷凍、保鮮櫃等製冷行業及其供應鏈産品的供求信息,以及至新新聞、技術、展會信息。www.chinacold*.cc
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-21圓筒式防護罩...
[待更新] 山東慶雲奧蘭機床附件製造有限公司是國内外專業的圓筒式防護罩, 螺旋式排屑機, 螺旋鋼帶保護套, 矩形金屬軟管, 橋式塑料拖鏈供應商,主營産品有:圓筒式防護罩, 螺旋式排屑機, 螺旋鋼帶保護套, 矩形金屬軟管, 橋式塑料拖鏈等, 山東慶雲奧蘭機床附件製造有限公司不僅具有國内外領先的技術水平...www.a*
- GB2312 - 2016-03-19玻璃鋼冷卻塔...
[待更新] 雅安冷卻塔|玻璃鋼冷卻塔|冷卻塔廠|廣安巴中内江冷卻塔維修-諮詢,宋金元135★6896★3575-成都金元冷卻設備有限公司是冷卻塔, 玻璃鋼冷卻塔, 淨化塔, 玻璃鋼淨化塔的著名製造商www.z*
- GBK - 2014-06-09AIRAH
[待更新] The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) is an independent, specialist, not-for-profit technical organisation providing leadership in the HVAC&R sector through collaboration, engagement and professional developmwww.a*
- UTF-8 - 2017-09-19Heating and Air Cond...
- UTF-8 - 2018-07-07黎明製冷...
[待更新] 山東黎明製冷設備有限公司(***)專業商用冷櫃製造商,主要銷售産品包括熟食櫃、風幕櫃、鮮肉櫃、蛋糕櫃、島櫃、冷藏展示櫃、冰激淩櫃、玻璃門展示櫃等,歡迎您來參觀和訂購冷櫃。www.limi*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-21橡膠接頭...
[待更新] 專業的橡膠接頭、伸縮器生産廠傢-鞏義市通用管道配件廠生産多種型號橡膠接頭、可麴撓橡膠接頭、橡膠軟接頭、單球橡膠接頭、雙球橡膠接頭、偏心異徑橡膠接頭,伸縮器,傳力接頭、防水套管、補償器、 伸縮接頭、鴨嘴閥、可麴撓橡膠接頭、柔性防水套管、鋼製伸縮器、雙法蘭鬆套傳力接頭,非金...www.gytyg*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-19