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Mining & Metallurgy 冶金礦產

 Mingtai  Mingtai Alu  Hongxing Machin...  Jianbinguo  Jianbinguo 

  • global-tubing.com

    CT Products Services Forum Energy Technologies

      ::0Global Tubing manufactures a wide selection of coiled tubing, complete coiled tubing design, milling, testing, service and customer asset management.

    [管件、管材] - www.global-tubing.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-05

  • highlandercc.com

    Highlander Contracting


    [管件、管材] - www.hig*landercc.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-05

  • guenthersupply.com

    Industrial Pipe Tubing

      ::0Proud stocking distributor of Pipe, Tubing, Valves & Fittings for Wisconsin, Northern Illinois and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

    [管件、管材] - www.guenthersupply.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-05

  • hppsolutions.com


      ::0HP Piping is your go to source for high pressure mud piping, mud gas separators, relief loops, API well control manifolds, Top Drive Goose Necks and unitized systems. Featuring systems designed to project requirements, HP offers expedited turn key solutions.

    [管件、管材] - www.hppsolutions.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-05

  • hautau.com

    Tube Cutoff Lathes built by Hautau in th...

       [待審] The Hautau rotating head tube cutoff lathe is the most advanced way to cut and chamfer tube, pipe and barstock.

    [管件、管材] - www.hau*au.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-05

  • futurepipe.com

    Future Pipe Industries


    [管件、管材] - www.futurepipe.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-04

  • highpressuretech.com

    Top Leading Supplier of Maximator® Produ...

       [待審] High Pressure Technologies is specialize in high pressure products. high pressure pumps, gas boosters, air amplifiers, valves, fittings & tubings, high pressure liquid & gas systems & accessories.

    [管件、管材] - www.*ighpressuretech.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-04

  • xinhexi.com



    [金屬礦產] - www.xin*exi.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-04

  • heatshrinkchina.com

    China Heat Shrinkable Tubing Manufacturer...

      ::0Your source for heat shrinkable tube, dual wall tube and electrical tubing for all your needs. heat shrink tape, heat shrink tube, heat shrink sleeve, heat shrink tubing, heat shrink end caps, heat shrinkable tube, heat shrinkable tubing, heat shrink with adhesive, heavy wall heat shrink tubing products.

    [管件、管材] - www.heatshrinkchina.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-04

  • nbc99504.com


      ::0東營市河口納百川玻璃鋼製品有限責任公司創立於1995年,是專註於玻璃鋼製品研發、生産、安裝和現場玻璃鋼防腐保溫的專業企業。主要業務有:東營玻璃鋼製品, 東營環保工程, 東營異味處理。諮詢熱線:***.

    [非金屬礦物製品] - www.nbc99504.com - GB2312 - 2024-12-04

  • zhongyachina.com


       [待更新] 鄭州市中亞機械專業生産大中小型烘幹機, 金屬破碎機, 壓球機.主要産品有:煤泥烘幹機, 沙子烘幹機, 褐煤烘幹機, 立式烘幹機, 三筒烘幹機, 網帶式烘幹機, 也可根據客戶需求量身訂製.

    [冶金設備] - www.zhongyac*ina.com - GB2312 - 2018-04-23

  • xksb123.com


       [待更新] 38年優質選礦經驗鑄就三兄人的堅韌品質, 在選礦設備價格實惠的同時保證産品質量,堅持質量一流、服務上乘、誠信爲本的經營理唸.擁有衆多專業的選礦生産線設備, 包括:金礦選礦設備、銅礦選礦設備、鐵礦選礦設備、鉛鋅礦選礦設備等, 歡迎廣大新老客戶來公司參觀、考察、諮詢、訂購.服務線...

    [礦業設備] - www.*ksb123.com - GB2312 - 2020-01-30

  • lont.com.cn


       [待更新] 日産***噸全坨髙效節能球磨機選礦設備廠傢,生産各種型號鋼渣球磨機、陶瓷球磨機、圓錐球磨機、格子型球磨機等球磨機設備,其中鋼渣球磨機和陶瓷球磨機已經取得6項産品專利。

    [礦業設備] - www.lont*.com.cn - GB2312 - 2015-03-08

  • landrover.wang


       [待更新] 河北茂群專業的輸送網帶, 金屬網帶, 不鏽鋼輸送帶, 燒結爐網帶, 不鏽鋼網鏈, 髙溫網帶, 不鏽鋼網帶廠傢.網帶種類:金屬/鋼鐵絲/不鏽鋼/鐵氟龍/聚酯/鏈條輸送網帶等。我們一直緻力於生産加工輸送機械行業的各種輸送網帶提供動力!***...

    [鋼鐵] - www.landrove*.wang/ - UTF-8 - 2016-08-02

  • metal-cloth.com


       [待更新] 茂群絲網製造有限公司生産GFW絲網, GB/T***+0Cr18Ni10Ti不鏽鋼絲網, 321不鏽鋼篩網, 平紋編織網, 0Cr18Ni9不鏽鋼編織網, GFW鋼絲網等篩網産品。緻力於生産與製造石油、化工、天然氣、核電廠專用的GF1.2.3W不鏽鋼金屬絲網産品。...

    [鋼鐵] - www.metal-c*oth.com - UTF-8 - 2016-08-02

  • 963695.com



    [鋼鐵] - www.963695.com - GB2312 - 2024-07-05

  • st88888.com


       [待更新] 【上海順鐵鍍鋅鋼闆廠】廠傢直販鍍鋅方管, 鍍鋅鋼管, 鍍鋅槽鋼等各類鍍鋅鋼管, ***, 現貨供應鍍鋅觮鋼, 鍍鋅管件, 鍍鋅無縫管, 鍍鋅工字鋼等各種規格鍍鋅鋼闆

    [鋼鐵] - www.st88888*.com - GB2312 - 2015-03-20

  • zgmt.com.cn



    [礦業設備] - www.*gmt.com.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-10-23

  • jinyangsiwang.com


       [待更新] 安平正方護欄網廠(採購熱線:***)是一傢由相關部門批準註冊, 生産, 銷售, 設計的胡護欄網廠傢, 我們敢於承諾相同産品我們價格至低, 如出現質量問題我們承諾雙倍賠償.www.jinyangsiwang.com

    [金屬絲網] - www.ji*yangsiwang.com - GB2312 - 2015-10-16

  • tsbxg.cn



    [金屬加工] - www.tsb*g.cn - GB2312 - 2015-10-02

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