Nonferrous Metal 有色金屬
創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。
[待更新] BALCO was incorporated in year***as the first Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) in India and since then it has been closely associated with the Indian Industrial Growth, in a pivotal role. In***Govt. of India disinvested 51% shares of Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO) to Sterlite Industries Limited a subsidiary of Vedanta Limited.www.balcoind*
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[待更新] Banco Aluminium is a leading Aluminium Extrusion Manufacturer and Exporter supplying bespoke sections and profiles to OEMs across the world.www.b*
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[待更新] Flextrude Aluminum Shapes - Strength in Service, Technology, Flexibility and Deliverables. A full-service independent, American-owned and operated company.www.*
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[待更新] 鋁錠, 鋁棒, 鋁型材, 銅排, 銅棒, 黃銅棒, 磷銅球www.bao*
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[待更新] Independent metal and plastics stockholder operating from 10 service and processing centres across the UK. A trusted supply partner for over 100*
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[待更新] Aluminium Extrusions, Anodising, Powder Coating, Fabrication, extrusion sections, aluminum extrusion profileswww.bhorukaaluminiu*.com
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[待更新] BOAL Group - Roofing Horticulture: our covered cultivation systems put you in controlwww.*
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創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。
[待更新] 甯波金田銅業(股份)有限公司網站-金田集團www.jtgroup*
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[待審] 一哄而上網www.c*
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[待更新] Welcome to the home of the Metal Powder Industries Federation. Our site is the world's most comprehensive source for information on all aspects of powder metallurgy and particulate materials. End users can find answers to any question about designing...www.mpi*.org
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