Paper Pulp 紙品、紙漿
創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。
Complete pulp & paper laboratory & pilot plant services
[待更新] Specialists in pulp and paper testing: pulping, bleaching, paper testing, chemical and microscopy analysis services of raw materials, processes and products. Serving customers world-wide - including Canada, USA, South America, Australia and New Zealand - at our laboratory and pilot plant in British*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2020-04-08borealforest
- ISO-8859-1 - 2020-04-07BERVAC Vacuum Trim Handling and Conveying Systems for the Pulp and Paper and Pap...
[待更新] The BERVAC vacuum trim conveying system is an energy efficient and cost effective alternative to conventional paper trim handling systems such as chopper fans and injector systemswww.berv*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2020-04-07Home Page
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2020-04-06Transforming Our World...
[待更新] Established in 1867, Babcock & Wilcox is a global leader in energy and environmental technologies and services for power and industrial markets worldwide.www.babco*
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-05Becky Lindsey
[待更新] Becky Lindsey Recruiting is a company focused on recruiting Sales, Management, Vice Presidents, Account Executives, COO’s and CEO’s for the Paper, Packaging, Commercial Paper, Specialty Paper, Jan-San, Towel & Tissue, Pulp and Food Service Industries. Becky recruits for paper products sold B2B such as; Manufacturers, Distributors, Converters and Brokers in the United States as well as for Export.www.beck*
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-04princeton paper sales...
[待更新] applied paper pulp and substrate sources, princeton paper sales, substrate*
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2020-04-04BillerudKorsnäs challenges conventional packaging for a sustainable future
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-04Sustainable Forest Management
[待更新] APRIL Group is a leading manufacturer in the paper and pulp industry, which also provides sustainable forest management efforts in Indonesiawww.aprilasia*.com
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-02Andhra Paper Limited
- UTF-8 - 2020-04-02
創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。
[待更新] 東莞市碧力斯膠粘紙業有限公司-國内專業生産濕水紙膠粘製品及印刷紙製品廠傢, 專業生産濕水紙, 濕水牛皮紙, 牛皮紙膠帶, 有線濕水牛皮紙, 印刷膠帶, 封箱膠帶, 拼花膠帶, 免水牛皮紙膠帶, 印刷牛皮紙膠帶, 濕水貼紙...www.bil*
- UTF-8 - 2019-04-16廣州市海珠區新業紙品包裝廠020...
[待更新] 廣州市海珠區新業紙品包裝是專業的紙箱、廣州紙箱、廣州紙箱包裝廠,對紙箱、廣州紙箱、廣州紙箱包裝感興趣的朋友歡迎來電***www.g*
- GB2312 - 2016-04-07濰坊金龍紙管設備有限公司...
[待更新] 濰坊金龍紙管設備有限公司*
- UTF-8 - 2016-06-08蒼南縣湘情紙製品廠
[待更新] 蒼南縣湘情紙製品廠www.wzxq*
- UTF-8 - 2016-04-06Cobelpa
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-06-05紙源網
- UTF-8 - 2021-11-10建發漿紙
- UTF-8 - 2021-11-10保定市中信紙業有限公司...
[待更新] 保定市中信紙業有限公司是以紙業製造、加工、開發爲主的私營企業。以市場爲導向,以科學管理強效益,通過全公司上下的精誠團結、刻苦努力,現在“凱依” “悠雅”兩大品牌産品在國内市場已享有盛譽。展望充滿機遇與挑戰的未來,中信人相信,憑借我們非凡的信心、雄厚的技術實力和勤奮誠懇的...www.zh*
- UTF-8 - 2021-08-04大王製紙株式會社
[待更新] 大王製紙のコーポレートサイトです。大王製紙は地球環境に配慮し、新聞用紙、出版用紙、印刷用紙、情報用紙、包裝用紙、段ボール原紙、機能材、傢庭用品などあらゆる種類の紙を製造・販売する総闔製紙メーカーです。...www.daio-p*
- UTF-8 - 2016-06-05堿玻璃絲帶...
- UTF-8 - 2016-06-05