2020-09-01 文章 - Why Soy Wax Flakes Is More Popular? - 石蠟 - dkwax - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
Soy wax is the main raw material for making craft candles, essential oils and aroma candles.
According to the different melting points, soy wax can be divided into soft wax with a melting point of ...(75/1)
2020-09-01 文章 - Socket Cap Screw Removal And Osion Method - 標準件 - starwdh - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
Socket cap screws are required on many machines and equipment, and they also play a large role. Anti-corrosion of hexagon socket is more important, so how to prevent corrosion of socket cap screw? How ...(18/1)
2020-09-01 產品庫 - 鋼筋桁架樓承闆吊裝—鋼結構工程製作安裝 - 醫療服務 - 鋼結構工程製作安裝 - 122.195.181.*
鋼筋桁架樓承闆實現瞭機械化生産,有利於鋼筋排列間距均勻、混凝土保護層厚度一緻,提髙瞭樓闆的施工質量。(鋼筋樓承闆)裝配式鋼筋桁架樓承闆可顯著減少現場鋼筋綁紮工程量,加快施工進度,增加施工安全保證,實現文明施工。裝配式模闆和連接件拆裝方便,可多次重複利用,節約鋼材,符闔國傢節能環保的要求。鋼構自主研發的産品配套自動化生産設備,大大提髙瞭勞動生産率,有效降低瞭産品成本,並編製瞭産品生産企業標準、設計手 ...(14/1)
2020-09-01 產品庫 - Brake - 鞋子 - sinotrukhowo - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
Brake drum-WG9231342006
A drum brake is a brake that uses friction caused by a set of shoes or pads that press outward against a rotating cylinder-shaped part called a brake drum.
The term drum brak ...(156/1)
2020-09-01 文章 - Injection Pump Plunger Wear - 其他 - cntestbench - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
Fuel injection pump test bench is an important tool for injection pump performance test. Using fuel injection pump for a long time will appear a certain Problem. Among them. If find the engine emit a ...(55/1)
2020-09-01 服務項目 - 操作打樁機可以省油小妙招-型鋼施工 - 其他 - 型鋼施工 - 122.195.181.* - 訪問網站
鋼闆樁屬於一種特製的鋼類結構。他可以很好的拆裝,在進行阻隔水流的同時還可以很好的保證鋼闆樁施工人員在隔離區内的安全。(拉森樁打拔)因爲鋼闆樁屬於一種鋼製結構的運用工具,他的堅韌度是非常好的,所以根本不可能被水流的壓力所壓壞受損,所以不必擔心在隔離區内鋼闆樁施工人員的安全和是否會對鋼闆樁造成一定的損壞。而且鋼闆樁(拉森樁施工)還有一個功能就是很好的隔離開挖工地和本來有建築的基礎上和建築地基造成的影響 ...(6/1)
2020-09-01 文章 - High Voltage 1 Way Right Angle Connection System With HVIL Plug - 端子、連接器 - Alice Dai - 114.42.192.*
Temperature: -55℃∽ +125℃
Rated Current: 300A
Insulation Resistance: 500MΩ
Dielectric Withstand Voltage: 5000VDC
Mechanical Life: 500 times
Salt Spray: 48 hours
Ingress Protection: ...(15/1)
2020-09-01 文章 - Granulated Wax Histology Wax Paraffin Wax Fully Refined - 工藝禮品 - Alice Dai - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
The main role of paraffin in our country is to produce candles. The melting point is mainly due to the season of adaptation. The high melting point is suitable for the season with high temperature, an ...(42/1)
2020-09-01 文章 - How You Can Make Better Use Of Doilies - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 1.168.210.*
Paper doilies offer a touch of style and elegance to any given dining event. You may be surprised to learn that there are many ways you can use it than you would think. Paper doilies are widely used a ...(44/1)
2020-08-31 服務項目 - HUC組闔型鋼闆樁成樁技術要求_型鋼施工 - 教育、培訓 - 型鋼施工 - 49.89.132.*
鋼闆樁施工安全控製爲確保施瞭中的安全,在進行鋼闆樁圍堰施工時,(拉森樁打拔)必須將安全瞭作放在首位,預防爲主,在施工過程中應註意如下幾點:對操作人員進行安全思想教育,提髙操作人員安全意識,實行培訓持證上崗製度,不經培訓或無證者,不得進行上崗操作;建立好鋼闆樁安全管理製度,完善好安全管埋體製,編製好鋼闆樁安全施瞭應急方案;用吊車進行水平和垂直起吊時,對吊車起吊能力和吊起後是否穩定進行實側,保證在起吊 ...(21/1)