2021-10-07 供應信息 - Wholesale General Merchandise - IE Wholesale Inc - 其他 - iewholesale - 45.248.93.* - 訪問網站
IEwholesale aims to deliver the BEST General Merchandise and Specialty Vape Product shopping experience available anywhere. Find General Merchandise and the best vaping products at the wholesale rate ...(67/2)
2021-10-04 供應信息 - Property Documents Registration In Erode – Documentation In A Jiffy - 法律、公證 - Naveenkumaras - 157.51.136.*
Want property documents registration in Erode, Naveenkumar Associates with their team of expert legal staff can get the documentation done quickly. So leave the documentation to us while you relax. ...(18/1)
2021-09-30 - 人造石洗手臺污垢清洗——上海清洗公司 - 家政、保潔 - 上海清洗公司 - 49.89.133.* - 訪問網站
人造石洗手臺在製造過程中配以不同的色料可製成具有色彩豔麗、光澤如玉酷似天然大理石的製品。( 上海保潔公司)因其具有無毒性、無放攝性、阻燃性、不粘油、不滲污、抗菌防黴、耐磨、耐沖擊、易保養、拼接無縫、任意造型等優點,正逐步成爲裝修建材市場上的新寵。
人造石洗手臺産品特點:份量輕(與天然石材相比)、硬度髙、耐油耐髒耐腐蝕。闆材厚薄均勻,光澤度好,透光效果明顯,不變形,防火抗老化,無輻射、抗滲 ...(/)