搜索相关: 輔料、飾品 - 服裝代理 - 服裝設計加工 - 服裝項目合作 - 庫存服裝 - 運動服飾 - 婚紗、禮服 - 兒童服裝 - 羽絨服裝 - 民族服裝 - 鞋子 - 手套 - 帽子 - 嬰兒服裝 - 夾克 - 牛仔服裝 - 皮革服裝 - 休閒服裝 - 領帶 - 其他 - 外衣、外套 - 大衣、風衣 - 褲子 - 相關設備 - 圍巾 - 縫紉設備 - 襯衣 - 絲綢服裝 - 襪子 - 特製服裝 - 西服 - 毛衣 - T 恤 - 內衣、睡衣 - 工作服、制服 - 服裝
2011-07-24 供應信息 - 2011 New Wallet | Juicy Wallet - 庫存服裝 - - Jennifer - 116.52.44.* - 訪問網站
This is a hot season. Jordan361 wholesale all kinds of brand and designer products. order 6 is free shipping cost, and more than 6 products we can give you wholesale price. ...(222/1)
2011-07-22 供應信息 - 韓國品牌walton童裝 - 青島元和豐紡織製造紡織製造有限公司 - 兒童服裝 - - 金小姐 - 123.234.32.* - 訪問網站
2010 年,青島元和豐同韓國walton正式簽訂代理闔同,成爲中國的總代理,walton正式進軍中國童裝市場。
walton的putilaozu是時尚、舒適、健康的髙品質童裝。我們的髙品質源於我們對設計、生産、銷售各個環節的嚴格把關 ...(1063/1)
2011-07-21 供應信息 - Brand Bikini | CA Bikini - 庫存服裝 - - Jennifer - 182.245.9.* - 訪問網站
China Nike361 is a professional and reliable trading company.
Our website supplier all kinds of high quality designer products and our products are directly supplied by our factories so we have much ...(138/1)
2011-07-21 供應信息 - Man Jeans - 牛仔服裝 - Wendy - 116.52.44.*
I am Wendy from China export company.Welcome to our onweb shop to choose the products you are interested in. We are a leading company that wholesales and export brand SHOES, CLOTHES, COAT, JEANS, BAG ...(74/1)
2011-07-21 供應信息 - AF1 High Women Shoes - 鞋子 - - Jennifer - 116.52.44.* - 訪問網站
Our website supplier all kinds of high quality designer products and our products are directly supplied by our factories so we have much price advantage. ...(53/1)
2011-07-21 供應信息 - High Quality AF Men Sweater - 庫存服裝 - - Jennifer - 116.52.44.* - 訪問網站
Apparel: NFL Jerseys, NBA jerseys, Ed hardy t-shirts, True Religion Jeans, CA hoodies, Juicy tracksuit, A&F coat, kid clothing, ed hardy hoodies, ed hardy tracksuit, black label hoodies, Coogi jeans, ...(146/1)
2011-07-21 供應信息 - Fashion Lady Dress - 庫存服裝 - - Jennifer - 116.52.44.*
I am Jennifer from China export company.We have a very nice onweb shop.
Hope you can take some times to scan our website i think you will find what you like in our website.
If you order 6 or more pr ...(62/1)
2011-07-21 供應信息 - Cheap Fashion Hats - 帽子 - - Jennifer - 116.52.44.*
China Nike361 company is a very popular and reliable onweb shop in China.
We have a good reputation in this area. We are looking for long term business relationship cooperation in the future.
If you ...(53/1)
2011-07-20 供應信息 - Walton品牌童裝 - 青島元和豐紡織製造紡織製造有限公司 - 其他 - - 張偉 - 123.234.32.*
Walton是韓國連續5年的網絡銷售冠軍,在韓國傢喻戶曉,有着日單破9000件驕人成績。成立10年來,本 着時尚、健康、舒適的理唸,成爲韓國至受歡迎的童裝品牌之一。隨着Walton在韓國市場日漸成熟和穩固,Walton已經不滿足於韓國國内的市場,近年來Walton把眼光放在瞭更爲廣闊的亞洲市場,先後進軍中國、新加坡、日本、越南等國的童裝市場。2010年Walton正式進軍中國市場
walton的 ...(33/1)
2011-07-20 供應信息 - Puma Shoes Men - 鞋子 - - Jennifer - 220.165.180.*
China Nike361 export Company is a professional and reliable trading company.
Our website supplier all kinds of high quality designer products and our products are directly supplied by our factories s ...(25/1)