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Building Metallic Materials 金屬建材 所有資訊

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Results 61 - 70 of about 308
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-10-13 服務項目 - 組闔式鋼筋桁架樓承闆鋪設——樓承闆廠傢 - 金屬建材 - 樓承闆廠傢 - 112.83.240.* - 訪問網站
    光圓鋼筋實際上就是普通低碳鋼的小圓鋼和盤圓。變形鋼筋是錶麵帶肋的鋼筋,通常帶有2道縱肋和沿長度方向均勻分佈的橫肋。(鋼筋樓承闆)橫肋的外形爲螺旋形、人字形、月牙形3種。用公稱直徑的毫米數錶示。變形鋼筋的公稱直徑相當於橫截麵相等的光圓鋼筋的公稱直徑。鋼筋的公稱直徑爲8-50毫米,推薦採用的直徑爲8、12、16、20、25、32、40毫米。鋼種:20MnSi、20MnV、25MnSi、BS20MnSi ...(5/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-25 產品庫 - Plate Rolling - 金屬建材 - Daring - 42.3.148.*
    Plate rolling is a metalworking process in which metal sheets are rolled to a specified radius or dimension. We are able to roll sheets up to 3m wide. Our plate rolling services can successfully pr ...(40/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-19 產品庫 - Sheet Metal Fabrication - 金屬建材 - Daring - 222.135.75.*
    Daring Metal Products(DMP) advanced manufacturing includes CNC Punching, Laser Cutting, Stamping, Forming, Welding and other processes to produce Precision Sheet Metal Products such as custom enclosur ...(31/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-10 產品庫 - CNC Bending - 金屬建材 - Daring - 1.168.220.*
    Steel can be curved by roller or section bending. This process involves progressive bending of a section through a set of bending rolls that are shaped to the cross section of the bar. On each pass th ...(67/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-10 服務項目 - 閉口樓承闆卷材鋪貼註意事項—鋼結構工程製作安裝 - 金屬建材 - 鋼結構工程製作安裝 - 122.195.181.* - 訪問網站
    閉口樓承闆適應主體鋼結構快速施工的要求,能夠在短時間内提供堅定的作業平臺,(鋼筋樓承闆)並可採用多個樓層鋪設壓型鋼闆,分層澆築混凝土闆的流水施工。在使用階段樓承闆作爲混凝土樓闆的受拉鋼筋,也提髙瞭樓闆的剛度,節省瞭鋼筋和混凝土的用量。 閉口樓承闆壓型闆錶麵壓紋使樓承闆與混凝土之間産生至大的結闔力,使二者形成整體,配以加勁肋,使樓承闆係統具有髙強承載力。在懸臂條件下,樓承闆僅作爲永镹性 ...(10/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-08 產品庫 - Sheet Metal Fabrication Bending Parts - 金屬建材 - Jinan daring metal p - 1.168.220.*
    Custom Design Spot Welding Stainless Steel Tray Sheet metal can be customized according to customer's requirement on thickness, color, material surface treatment , length . Hofen has 15 years manufac ...(23/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-08 產品庫 - CNC Turning - 金屬建材 - Daring Metal Product - 1.168.220.*
    The turning process differs from milling as it is generally the part that rotates while the tool remains stationary which is why most turned parts are commonly circular or cylindrical in shape. Our ...(18/2)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-05 產品庫 - CNC Cutting - 金屬建材 - Daring Metal Product - 114.42.177.*
    We have serveral cutting machines at its disposal. Conventional and CNC. including CNC flame cutting machine, CNC plasma cutting machine, laser cutting machine, plate shearing machine, sawing machine ...(40/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-03 產品庫 - Aluminium Sheet Stamping - 金屬建材 - Jinan daring metal p - 1.168.210.*
    Aluminium sheet stamping 1.Material: Aluminum alloy, Stainless steel , Carbon Steel,Brass etc. 2.Adopted the ISO9001: 2000 international quality management system certification 3.Machining proce ...(31/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-09-03 產品庫 - Steel Structure Fabrication - 金屬建材 - Daring Metal Product - 1.168.210.*
    We are specialists in the fabrication of steel structures for China. With over 20 years experience in fabricating steel structures, we are perfectly positioned to take on any challenging steel fabr ...(30/1)
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