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Results 34881 - 34890 of about 132,396
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Wire Mesh Belt - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Wire mesh belt, also known as architectural conveyor belt or conveyor belt mesh, is made from stainless steel wire. It looks like many triangular shaped stainless steel wires weave together in an orde ...(141/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Wired Glass - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Wired glass, also named laminated glass metal mesh, is one of safety glass. It is formed through a special craft. When the glass is in semi-molten state, machines will compress the glass and wire mesh ...(134/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Honeycomb Decoration Mesh - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Honeycomb decoration mesh, also known as metal drapery, is a new type of architecture decoration material in the market. It is similar to metal coil curtain and is reinforced metal coil curtain. Weavi ...(132/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - 長江國際微盤全國結盟 - 國際網路 - 吳生 - 223.159.22.*
    長江國際微盤微盤即將上線 交易品種是白銀,瀝青,銅 ​‌‌ 聽說現在結盟特會政策優惠哦 長江國際微盤是中彙商品交易中心的産品之一。按照“删繁就簡”的原則對現貨交易進行至大程度的簡化,以微信爲載體,直接在微信平臺公衆號上交易的一種微投資。 現貨行業的困境: 【同質化】現貨投資市場産品髙度同質化; 【競爭激烈】企業生存競爭越來越激烈; 【客戶體驗差】客戶體驗層麵的需求日益提 ...(53/2)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Woven Wire Drapery - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Woven wire drapery also belongs to a kind of decorative wire mesh, is designed with different shapes and sizes. These years woven wire drapery has been accepted by more and more merchants, customers a ...(126/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Chain Curtain - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Chain curtain is a very common metal curtain that can easily be found almost everywhere in our daily life. It is similar to chain link curtain, both are hooks interlocking and you can open the curtain ...(112/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Ring Mesh Curtain - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Ring mesh curtain, similar to chainmail curtain, consists of many metal circles link together. Compared with cloth curtain, the service time of metal material is longer but cost not too much. On the o ...(109/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Scale Mesh Curtain - Boegger Industrial Limited - 鞋子 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Scale mesh curtain is made from durable aluminum material in various shiny colors, with a bright reflective surface, it creates a unique visual effect unlike other ordinary curtain. And scale mesh cur ...(427/2)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Chainmail Curtain - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金屬絲網 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Chainmail curtain is a kind of popular and functional metal chain curtain in the market. Its process craft is almost the same with ring mesh curtain. Many thousands of individual rings combine togethe ...(114/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2016-08-17 產品庫 - Chain Link Curtain - Boegger Industrial Limited - 國際網路 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.254.*
    Chain link curtain, also named chain fly screen, is made from aluminum wire with anodized surface treatment. As we all know, aluminum material is lightweight, recyclable, durability and has flexible s ...(147/1)





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