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2020-07-09 文章 - Machines Sent To Senegal - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy - 116.48.31.*
Hello, everyone. Today, just after Christmas and approaching New Year’s day, I wish you all a happy New Year.
A few days ago, our company received an order from a customer in Senegal. It only took ...(10/1)
2020-07-08 文章 - Why Should Your Processing Industry Get A Glass Cutting Machine? - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.*
Glass cutting machines are becoming very useful equipment when it comes to getting small or large glasses cut, especially in industries. These machines range from the smallest to the largest depending ...(12/1)
2020-07-07 文章 - Why You Need A Glass Polishing Machine For Your Facility - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.*
The glass polishing equipment is very useful, especially in the entire glass manufacturing and processing industry. It is an essential part of the glass processing industry which helps in the smoothen ...(24/1)
2020-07-06 文章 - Importance Of Glass Edging Machines - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.*
After a piece of raw glass has been cut, the importance of edging the cut glass cannot be overemphasized. Edging the glass material will prevent individuals from getting a sharp cut that may arise fro ...(18/1)
2020-07-05 供應信息 - 工業冷水機工作原理 - 淄博堃昊冷暖設備有限公司 - 空氣壓縮、分離設備 - 孫明 - 222.134.98.* - 訪問網站
工業冷水機作爲近年來國内的冷水機市場上需求較大的一類專業製冷設備, 現在更多鐵工業生産往往需要大量的依賴專業的工業冷水機,那大傢知道他的工作原理嗎。
先向冷水機内水箱註 ...(19/1)
2020-07-04 文章 - What Is Glass Window Equipment? - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
In the glass processing industry, glass is one of the most important materials that you cannot do without. Glass is very significant in our homes and most especially, our industries as it serves as st ...(31/1)
2020-07-03 文章 - The Guide To Vacuum Lifter Machines - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.*
Glass lifter machines are a type of vacuum lifting tool. Vacuum lifting equipment is generally utilized in numerous industrial areas for the lifting and handling of materials that have a level or smoo ...(7/1)
2020-07-03 文章 - Superiority Of High Pressure Common Rail - 濟南泰西國際貿易有限公司 - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
The common rail system is the main application of the high pressure common rail test bench, and the diesel injection system is corresponding to it. So what are the differences between the two systems? ...(22/1)
2020-07-03 服務項目 - 雙溫冷庫設計特點_上海冷凍設備安裝 - 其他 - 冷庫設計施工 - 112.83.239.* - 訪問網站
雙溫冷庫是指在一套冷庫中加隔闆分爲兩個不同溫度的單間,並分别安裝兩套庫門,(上海冷庫安裝)根據貯存食品的需要,設計不同溫度,能夠同時實現保鮮和冷藏的功能,製冷機組用一臺集中供冷,兩套庫内蒸發器同時製冷,溫度控製係統能獨立顯示控製每間不同的溫度,因採用一機雙控係統控製兩間溫度,當一間溫度達到設定要求控製係統才關閉此間製冷,直到另一間溫度也達到設定要求製冷機組才停止工作,開機前哪間溫度先達到設定要求自 ...(8/1)
2020-07-02 文章 - Injection Pump Test Bench - 濟南泰西國際貿易有限公司 - 數控設備 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
The function of the injection pump test bench is to test and adjust the fuel injection quantity of the fuel injection pump at the calibrated rotation speed, corrected rotation speed, idle speed, and s ...(14/1)