2010-09-08 楊利勇 - 部務經理 / 商務部 - 深圳市隆安實驗設備有限公司總部 - 儀器、儀錶 - - 119.123.79.* - 訪問網站
數十年專業生産:老化房,電源老化房,髙溫老化房,燒機房,恆溫老化車間,髙溫老化室,烘房,老化間,老化試驗室,髙溫燒機房,恆溫房,髙溫房,可程式恆溫恆濕試驗箱,低溫恆溫恆濕箱(標準),髙低溫交變濕熱試驗箱,快速溫度變化試驗箱 冷熱沖擊試驗箱,溫濕度振動綜闔試驗箱,幹燥箱,負載老化臺車,預燒機,UV光固化機,步入式試驗室,無塵烘箱,無塵(淨化)車間,LCD觸摸屏\ITO玻璃專用烘箱,貼膜機,熱壓機,偏... (2148/1)
2010-09-07 Shanel John - Director / Tour Operations - Bellaview Tours and Safaris Ltd - 旅行社 - - 41.222.56.*
Bellaview Tours and Safaris Ltd is accredited Tour Operator in Tanzania for VIP, executive, luxury travel, corporate leaders, Business travel,conferences, venue and events planners, destination manage... (155/1)
2010-09-07 曾鞏 - 業務員 / 業務部 - 東莞洗眼器長康勞保用品公司 - 作業保護 - - 58.255.32.*
東莞洗眼器,勞保用品,安全鞋,防毒麵鉅,耳塞耳罩,防護眼鏡,防護服,安全帽,安全繩等... (41/1)
2010-09-07 Sanoshoesclub - manager / sales department - mephisto sano shoes onweb sells company ! - 鞋子 - - 221.238.129.*
Welcome to Mephisto Shoes onweb store. We have varies Sano shoes, comfortable shoes, fitness shoes and working shoes for men and women to choose. Our discount section is filled with popular styles of... (252/1)
2010-09-07 柳利 - 網絡部 - 武漢亞美科技 - 美容護理產品 - 119.98.65.*
亞美整形美容網提供各類整形美容資訊,包括雙眼皮,隆鼻,麵部整形,隆胸,美白嫩膚,吸脂塑身等醫學整容項目及整形美容醫院,整形美容網站查詢服務.... (54/1)