[Industry]The following message about Sinopec Signs Ga ... was posted by New Hua01/25/2012
Last modified: 2012-01-25 18:08:36New Hua (236.248.198.*)
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Open Directory - Economic Cooperation - > Others - Sinopec signs gas deal with APLNG
Full Name: New Hua Email: isnewhua@yahoo.cn Mobile: N/A Company: N/A Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: N/A Website: N/A Period of validity: N/A Related seek: Quota & Ratification - Trade Cooperation - Property Rights - Others - Construction Projects - Undertaking Contracted Projects - Regional Investment - Economic Cooperation - Environment Projects - Mining and Metallurgy Projects - Technology Cooperation - Service Projects - Real Estate Projects - Others - Agriculture Projects - Home Supplies Projects - Apparel Projects - Transportation Projects - Technology Transfer - Energy Projects - Food Projects - Chemical Projects - Textile Projects - Electronics Projects - Industrial Supplies Projects - Tender & Bidding - Tourism Projects - Intellectual Property - Consumer Electronics Projects - Health Projects