[Sell Offer]The following message about Concrete Welded ... was posted by Concrete Welded Mes06/23/2013
Last modified: 2013-06-23 22:31:10Concrete Welded Mesh Panels (110.241.95.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Mining & Metallurgy - > Wire Mesh - Concrete Welded Mesh Panels
Full Name: Concrete Welded Mes Email: N/A Mobile: 0086 - 18831817788 Company: N/A Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: N/A Website: www.txwirefence.com Period of validity: N/A Related seek: Magnetic Materials - Iron Steel - Mining Machinery - Nonferrous Metal Alloy - Metal Waste - Mining and Metallurgy Projects - Metallurgy & Mining Agents - Piping Tubing - Metallic Processing - Metal Stocks - Nonmetallic Mineral Products - Nonferrous Metal - New Materials - Nonferrous Metal Products - Wire Mesh - Others - Mining & Metallurgy - Metal Mineral - Metallurgy Machinery