[Services]The following message about Stainless Steel ... was posted by jk06/05/2013
Last modified: 2013-06-05 15:29:16jk (122.240.117.*)
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Open Directory - Office Supplies - > Printer - Stainless steel nameplate is how the production
Full Name: jk Email: 2280169136@qq.com Mobile: N/A Company: N/A Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: N/A Website: http://www.xybzzp.com/ Period of validity: N/A
瑞安市新艺包装制品厂主要从事生产和销售各种服装pvc服装拉链袋, 可代商家客户设计各类平面袋型或来样, 来料加工生产.欢迎来电咨询:***[Accessories] -
- GB2312 - 2012-05-14Related seek: Office Supplies - Others - Attendance Calculator - Shredders and Cutters - Projectors - Paper - Education Tools - Telephones - Copiers - Education Appliances - Office Supplies Agents - Switchboard - Consumable - Office Furniture - Printer - Graph Plotter - Video conferencing - Stationery