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  • cast-science.org


    CAST is a nonprofit organization responsible for the publication of Task Force Reports, Commentaries, Special Publications, and Issue Papers written by scientists from many disciplines. CAST addresses issues of animal sciences, food sciences and agricultural technology, plant and soil sciences, and plant protection sciences with inputs from economists, social scientists, toxicologists or plant pathologists and entomologists, weed scientists, nematologists, and legal experts.with input from throughout the scientific and legal community. Borlaug CAST Communication Award Ho...

     [農業項目合作] - www.cast-science*.org - UTF-8 - 2013-07-01

搜索相关: 農業項目合作 - 農產品加工 - 竹木、藤葦 - 養殖動物 - 特殊作物 - 盆景 - 牲畜 - 禽蛋 - 水產 - 乾果、果仁 - 農機、農具 - 農副產品代理 - 種植植物 - 農產品存貨 - 動物提取物 - 漁業設備及用具 - 食用菌 - 畜牧業設備 - 肥料 - 林業設備 - 蟲害防治 - 園藝 - 蔬菜 - 農業 - 家禽 - 木炭 - 飼料 - 植物提取物 - 仿生植物 - 其他 -

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