國際網路 Internet Service

The Government of Canada Web site is a single point of access to all programs, services, departments, ministries and organizations of the Government of Canada, as well as information about Canada.[公共服務] - www.gc.ca
- UTF-8 - 2013-11-08

溫莎(加拿大)中文網--是溫莎windosr華人中國人移民和留學生在加拿大溫莎的網上傢園,windsor chinese。加拿大安大略省溫莎地處安大略省至南端, 毗鄰五大湖區與美國底特律detroit USA 市隔河相望. 溫莎風景優美,氣候四季分明,是加拿大至適闔局長...[簽證、移民] - www.windsor1*8.com
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-23

海詞爲英語學習者提供在線英語詞典、英語在線飜譯、權威學習資料,是新時代的學習型在線詞典,有1000萬海量詞彙,5000萬忠實用戶,專業教師在線飜譯輔導。[教育、培訓] - www.*ict.cn
- UTF-8 - 2012-04-19

type your language...
With this free tool, you can input Chinese (both simplified character and traditional character), Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian ...[技術闔作] - www.inputking*.com
- UTF-8 - 2020-05-29

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration...
[簽證、移民] - www.ontarioi*migration.ca
- UTF-8 - 2013-10-23

Bourse de Montréal
[投資諮詢] - www.m-*.ca
- UTF-8 - 2014-03-07

Canadian Stock Exchange
Discover the Canadian stock market with current stock quotes, prices and listed companies at Toronto Stock Exchange.[國際網路] - www.*sx.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-04-28

The World's Favorite Currency and Foreign Exchange Site
Get free live currency rates, tools, and analysis using the most accurate data. Other services include XE Trade money transfers, XE Datafeed, and more![外匯] - www.xe*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-24

Canada Travel Insurance onwe...
加拿大私人醫療保險是加拿大醫療保險係統的重要組成部分,包括探親旅遊保險、外出旅遊保險和留學生醫療保險等等。在超級簽證推出以前,私人醫療保險是訪加旅遊相關人士自願購買以抵禦不確定情況帶來的風險;而自超級簽證實施後,但凡申請加拿大超級簽證的父母或祖父母,需要在遞交申請材料時...[旅行社] - www.16s*fety.ca
- UTF-8 - 2012-04-04

[其他] - www.service*ntario.ca
- UTF-8 - 2012-10-10
搜索相关: 媒體、傳播 - 國際網路 - 其他 - 期刊、雜誌 - 電影 - 電視 - 音像製品 - 書刊 - 電子讀物 - 報紙 - 廣播、電視設備