金融 Financial
提供樓宇買賣法律服務, 律師認識樓宇買賣手續和法律常識, 對物業按揭和賣樓買樓授權書有草擬經驗, 按揭律師可轉介按揭銀行, 給予低息物業轉按優惠。物業加按律師費平, 贖樓樓宇買賣律師收費亦不髙,居屋買賣更在行, 對居屋補地價和居屋補地價手續很清楚。物業加名或近親轉讓除各,做樓契在行...[法律、公證] - www.la*d.hk
- UTF-8 - 2010-04-30
Henry Chung
We are Hong Kong lawyers. We provide legal service on divorce in Hong Kong family courts. Divorce petition can be made within a week on different divorce grounds. We charge reasonably on divorce cases. [法律、公證] - www.rd*.hk
- UTF-8 - 2014-01-15
Hong Kong Solicitors + Lawyers + Notaries in Commercial &am...
Hong Kong Legal Services to Business Corporations by Commercial Lawyers qualified in Hong Kong. Wel also have notary public and civil celebrants. We are lawyers to Hong Kong business & companies. Lawyers in Central, Hong Kong. ytt.biz Hong Kong Legal...[法律、公證] - www.yiptse*ang.com.hk
- UTF-8 - 2014-01-14
We are notary public in Hong Kong, We provide notary public services. Attest signatures on foreign documents, legalisation and certifying documents.[法律、公證] - www.hongkongno*ary.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-12-03
Legal consultation by Hong Kong law firms, Hong Kong attorneys and Hong Kong solicitors or Hong Kong lawyer and lawyers in Hong Kong. We have 17 Hong Kong lawyers skilled in laws of Hong Kong divorce, Hong Kong custody, Hong Kong maintenance, Hong Ko...[法律、公證] - www.hongkongla*s.com.hk
- UTF-8 - 2013-08-27
Hong Kong Lawyer & notary...
Legal consultation by Hong Kong law firms, Hong Kong lawyers offers legal services. We have 26 lawyers skilled in laws of Hong Kong divorce, Hong Kong bankruptcy laws, real properties transactions and mortgages in HK. Hong Kong conveyancing. Hong Kon...[法律、公證] - www.yipt*etang.net
- UTF-8 - 2013-12-05
婚姻監禮人的律師主持婚禮,全程律師辦理,毋須前往婚姻豋記處。葉謝鄧律師行設有兩個婚禮中心:旺觮、灣仔,有婚姻監禮人長駐,隨時替準新人辦理婚姻豋記手續,由律師樓簽發結婚證書,與香港政府婚姻豋記處發出的結婚證書,同具法律效力,政府認可,方便快捷。 爲促進這項結婚服務,便利人...[法律、公證] - www.civilcelebr*nt.com.hk
- UTF-8 - 2014-10-26
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