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Crafts Textile 工藝紡織

 Veronica Race  Sharlyyang  Sharlyyang  任璐 

  • makromacollective.com.au

    macrame wall hanging

      ::0Makroma Collective is a collection of handmade Macrame Wall Hangings, plant hangers and accessories. Browse our onweb store.

    www.makromacollective.com.au - UTF-8 - 2024-04-10

  • museshow.com.cn


       [待審] 掌握益生菌的正確服用方式可以讓效果大大提髙, 如何服用益生菌、什麽時候服用益生菌、益生菌可以跟什麽東西一塊服用等等相關問題都可以來到美嘉年網站學習瞭解!

    www.m*seshow.com.cn - UTF-8 - 2024-04-03

  • rainbowembroidery.com.au

    Workwear Embroidery...

       [待審] Rainbow Embroidery. Since***| Sydney Embroider for workwear, garments, sportswear, prestige tableware, uniforms, and gifts.

    rainbowembroidery.com.au/* - UTF-8 - 2024-11-27

  • famorecutlery.com

    Premier Scissor Manufacturer for Sewing and Crafting

       [待更新] A premier line of scissors and tools for the crafting, sewing, cosplay, quilting, and hobbyist industries.

    www.fa*orecutlery.com - UTF-8 - 2022-12-28

  • grandmalikestosew.com

    Resource For Sewing Machine Tips and Product Reviews

       [待更新] GrandmaLikesToSew is a website dedicated to helping you develop your sewing skills and help you find the right products for your sewing project.

    gra*dmalikestosew.com - UTF-8 - 2022-06-26

  • onlinesewingmachine.com

    onweb Sewing Machine

       [待更新] We hire a group of sewing & designing experts from various departments who do researches & testings of the trending sewing machines.

    onlinesewingmach*ne.com/ - UTF-8 - 2021-12-06

  • audreywudesigns.com

    AudreyWu Designs

       [待更新] Each needlepoint canvas is hand-painted and designed with love and care. We try our hardest to ensure that the highest quality fibers, paints, and packaging are used for every single order. We hope that you enjoy our canvases as much we do.

    audreywudesign*.com - UTF-8 - 2020-06-16

  • enjoythesewing.com


       [待更新] Enjoythesewing is a great blog about sewing machines, embroidery and quilting machines for beginners or professionals. Here you can find sewing tips or guides on how to choose the best sewing machine for your needs. Enjoy!

    enjoythe*ewing.com - UTF-8 - 2020-03-17

  • kithnkinkreations.net

    Mandala Weavings by Kith N Kin Kreations

       [待更新] Mandala weavings by Kith n kin kreations. Made from exotic yarns beads and feathers or fur. The tails will gently sway in the breeze. Paypal verified.

    kithn*inkreations.net/ - UTF-8 - 2019-10-09

  • yuxiangcarpets.cn


       [待更新] 南陽宇翔工藝品有限公司成立於2004年,位於河南省南召縣産業集聚區,依託得天獨厚的桑蠶、柞蠶資源生産的220道-1200道手工真絲工藝地毯、壁毯、波斯地毯,具有極髙的藝術欣賞價值、珍藏價值和實用價值。宇翔地毯産品遠銷往美國、德國、法國、沙特、日本等32個國傢和香港、澳門...

    www.yuxi*ngcarpets.cn - UTF-8 - 2019-04-11

  • texleader.com.cn


       [待更新] 《紡織導報》雜誌是傳遞世界紡織技術發展趨勢的主流媒體,也是紡織業界不同觀點交鋒的平臺,是反映紡織技術與設備市場各類參與者重要動向的觀察者,是紡織企業髙級管理者的必讀刊物。

    www.*exleader.com.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-08-01

  • wool3.com


       [待更新] 中國至具影響力的羊毛衫行業門戶網站,旗下包含《中國毛衫産業大全》雜誌,主要爲羊毛衫廠提供毛衫外發加工訂單、羊絨衫品牌招商結盟、電腦橫機及羊毛羊絨紗線採購。擁有國内至專業的毛衫行業網絡新聞媒體資源,以及至大的毛衫行業技術交流社區。...

    www.*ool3.com - UTF-8 - 2015-07-16

  • qsszx.com.cn


       [待更新] ' 東陽市欽氏工藝品有限公司是一傢集十字繡研發、生産、銷售的大型十字繡廠傢,十字繡圖案、十字繡批發、十字繡代理、十字繡結盟首選十字繡品牌, '

    www.qssz*.com.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-08-08

  • mdhjszx.com


       [待更新] 義烏市時尚飾品有限公司是一傢專業從事十字繡設計及生産的大型企業,旗下品牌:如意飾傢十字繡、曼蒂皇傢十字繡、響當當十字繡、格麗雅十字繡、黑桃皇後十字繡,也是第一批進入中國十字繡行業的企業。...

    www.mdh*szx.com - UTF-8 - 2015-08-10

  • ccs123.com


       [待更新] 真心意工藝品有限公司,廠傢獨傢獨創炫彩印佈十字繡,作品更有立體感,口碑品牌,進口全棉繡線,全棉繡佈,繡圖豐富,月月創新款式,200元起批

    www.ccs1*3.com - GB2312 - 2015-08-23

  • szxzone.com


       [待更新] www.anquye.com全新地址分享,緻力

    www.szxz*ne.com - GB2312 - 2015-07-27

  • xinyiszx.com



    www.xinyiszx*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-07-24

  • 7szx.com


       [待更新] 海量的十字繡圖紙、源文件,不用充值也能分享

    www.7sz*.com - GBK - 2015-08-26

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