Soundproof Materials 隔音材料
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[待更新] 主營木質吸音闆材料:聚酯纖維吸音闆、槽木吸音闆、孔木吸音闆、佈藝軟包吸音闆等吸音裝飾材料;吸聲闆是指具有吸音和裝飾效果的吸音材料,廣州大音希聲是專業的吸音闆廠傢吸音材料商。吸音材料質量優,吸音闆價格實惠!...www.dayinxs*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12立體擴散體吸音闆...
- GB2312 - 2015-05-12江蘇珍珠岩吸聲闆...
[待更新] 江蘇得勝建材有限公司聯係電話:***是專業生産吸聲材料、江蘇吸音闆珍珠岩吸聲闆、橡塑發泡材料兩大係列産品生産廠傢。穿孔複闔吸聲闆是公司專利産品;新開發瑜珈墊、打獵墊及體育墊等産品供應體育活動的需要。...www.d*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12河北大成新型保溫材料有限公司...
[待更新] 河北大成新型保溫材料有限公司是專註於新型保溫材料研發生産的大型綜闔性企業.主要生産經營電梯井吸音闆等保溫材料, 公司産品億遠銷國外, 歡迎諮詢選購www.dtjingxyb*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12電梯井吸音闆廠傢...
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12廣州吸音材料...
[待更新] 廣州粵宇聲學材料有限公司成立於2009年, 是一傢專註於建築聲學材料研發生産廠傢, 專業生産銷售吸音闆與隔音材料, 産品主要類别有:聚脂纖維吸音闆, 木質吸音材料, 隔音材料, 是國内聲學材料配套供應及係統集成的專業機構....www.gdyu*
- GB2312 - 2015-05-12佛山聲泰聲學...
[待更新] 諮詢熱線:***佛山聲泰聲學是專業的木質吸音闆廠傢。公司擁有國内資深的木質吸音闆研發、生産、和銷售團隊,先進的全自動數控吸音材料生産線,使産品質量得到瞭極大的保障,公司主營産品包括:木質吸音闆、佈藝吸音闆、聚酯纖維吸音闆、木絲吸音闆、吸音棉等吸音材料。*
- GB2312 - 2015-05-12上海吸音闆批發...
[待更新] 上海浩聲建築裝飾材料有限公司是一傢專業生産A級防火陶鋁吸音闆、潔淨闆、陶土闆、B級阻燃吸音闆、聚酯纖維吸音闆、木絲吸音闆係列等産品的製造廠傢。A級防火陶鋁闆、潔淨闆、陶土闆的産品性能:不易翹麴、變形和裂縫、防水、防黴,隔音、防熱,防爆、防蟲蛀、節能環保等。...www.*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12重慶噪聲處理...
[待更新] 重慶環通環保工程有限公司是一傢專註於從事重慶隔音, 重慶噪音治理, 重慶噪聲處理, 重慶保溫隔熱, 重慶隔音工程的大型環保髙科技綜闔服務商.公司主要産品:重慶吸音闆、重慶隔音材料、重慶隔音門窗、重慶隔音牆.熱線電話:***!...www.hua*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12關押室防撞吸音軟包...
[待更新] ◆廣州市塞姆消音材料有限公司◆是中國建聲集團旗下的子工廠,是專業生産吸音闆的生産廠傢,|審訊室防撞牆|派出所防撞吸音闆材料|審訊室防撞吸音闆|關押室防撞軟包|派出所防撞隔音闆材料|公安局防撞吸音闆|公安局防撞隔音闆材料|拘留所防撞隔音闆|看守所防撞吸聲闆|監獄牆麵軟包|...www.iwall*.cn
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-12
創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-02-10Ken Industries...
[待更新] Gretch-Ken Sound Booths, vocal booths, recording booths, sound isolation booths, noise reduction, sound reduction, sound control, studio foam, noise foam, control booths, sound barrier materials and soundproofing treatmentswww.soundsuckers*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-09Commercial and architectural soundproofi...
[待更新] Sound Seal incorporated in***provides soundproofing and noise control productswww.soundsea*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-09The best marine boat soundproofing quality yacht supplies sound deadening
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-09Professional Sound Booths and Noise Control Produc...
[待更新] Gretch-Ken Sound Booths, vocal booths, recording booths, sound isolation booths, noise reduction, sound reduction, sound control, studio foam, noise foam, control booths, sound barrier materials and soundproofing treatmentswww.sou*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-09Soundproofing with Dave
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-10Cheap DIY Soundproofing Materials and Low Cost Methods To Quickly Soundproof A R...
[待更新] Quickly soundproof a room using effective and inexpensive materials and techniques. Achieve professional results. Avoid the common mistakes. Stay away from the incredible amount of incorrect information on the internet. Soundproofing secrets which ha...www.soundproofings*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-12Soundproofing London
[待更新] Soundproofing R Us Ltd is a London based company providing a range of materials and solutions for soundproofing walls, floors and ceilings. Call***.www.s*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-08Sound Proof
[待更新] Learning all about the proper insulation for your home, from roofing, to pipe lines, attics, and sound proofing.www.everyinsu*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-02-08Soundproof
[待更新] Dryco is a leading supplier of gypsum board, insulation, acoustical tile and grid, stucco, tools, steel framing, and allied products to the Canadian market.www.*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-02-10