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Soundproof Materials 隔音材料

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  • samesx.cn

    SAME 吸音闆...

       [待更新] 中國建聲集團旗下廣州市塞姆消音材料有限公司是一傢專業生産吸音闆,吸音材料,隔音材料,木質吸音闆,佈藝吸音闆,聚酯纖維吸音闆,擴散體吸音闆,吸音闆規格, 吸音闆龍骨,木絲吸音闆的大型吸音闆生産廠傢,木質吸音闆廠傢,幻影苑吸音闆,佈藝吸音闆廠傢,來到。 中國建聲集團旗下廣州塞...

    www.sam*sx.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

  • sdsyxyb.com


       [待更新] 山東盛源吸音闆有限公司是專業的吸音闆生産廠傢, 主做:木質吸音闆, 生態木吸音闆, 吸音闆等, 技術先進, 廠傢直販, 價格優惠, 電話:***

    www.sdsyxy*.com - GB2312 - 2015-05-12

  • shengbaihejiancai.com


       [待更新] 濟南盛百赫建材有限公司專業供應吸音闆、隔音材料、隔音闆等,公司以完善的售後服務、過硬的産品質量服務於廣大用戶,公司以材料批發爲主,産品有 木質吸音闆、木絲吸音闆、聚酯纖纖維吸音闆、防火吸音闆等各種吸音、隔音材料,歡迎廣大用戶垂詢!聯係人:李經理,手機:***,QQ:**...

    www.shengbaihej*ancai.com - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

  • shengtaisx.com


       [待更新] 諮詢熱線:***廣東佛山聲泰建築材料有限公司專業的吸音闆生産廠傢,廣東佛山聲泰是木質吸音闆/聚酯纖維吸音闆等吸聲裝飾材料生産廠傢;聲泰開發出木絲吸音闆和佈藝吸音闆等吸聲材料。吸音闆産品質量過硬,吸音闆價格實惠!...

    www.shengtais*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

  • shengyuansx.cn



    www.sheng*uansx.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

  • silencetop.com


       [待更新] 【靜音寶隔音材料商城- www.silencetop.com】成立六年來,專業供應隔音材料,隔音棉,吸音棉,隔音墊等聲學材料,憑借優質的服務,過硬的隔音材料質量,優惠的價格,遍銷全國—靜音寶隔音材料商城值得您的信賴!...

    www.silenceto*.com - GBK - 2015-05-12

  • sjxyb.com


       [待更新] 臨沂市飾嘉聚酯纖維吸音闆有限公司主要經營聚酯纖維吸音闆産品, 是臨沂聚酯纖維吸音闆乃至山東聚酯纖維吸音闆企業中優質的聚酯纖維吸音闆生産廠傢.歡迎廣大顧客到飾嘉聚酯纖維吸音闆購買優質的聚酯纖維吸音闆産品.電話:***...

    www.sj*yb.com - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

  • sjzadsc.com


       [待更新] 石傢莊澳豋裝飾材料生産有限公司是一傢木質吸音闆、品牌木質吸音闆、木質穿孔吸音闆、聚酯纖維吸音闆、阻燃木質吸音闆等專業木質吸音闆生産廠傢,如果您有關於木質吸音闆價格、品牌木質吸音闆安裝、木質吸音闆施工工藝等想瞭解信息,歡迎撥打澳豋吸音闆廠傢的全國訂購木質吸音闆熱線***。...

    www.*jzadsc.com - GBK - 2015-05-12

  • syxiyinban.com


       [待更新] 山東臨沂盛源吸音闆公司是一傢專業的木質吸音闆生産廠傢,是山東環保吸音闆生産企業,主營多種規格鑽孔吸音闆、條形隔音闆、木質吸音闆,諮詢電話:***

    www.syxiyinb*n.com - GB2312 - 2015-05-12

  • szjiayin.cn



    www.szji*yin.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-05-12

創建資訊 - 分類資訊,公司、產品、服務等信息。

  • insonorisationsmg.com

    Insonorisation Montréal...

       [待更新] Les Insonorisations M.G. Inc. (514)***• Expert en insonorisation à Montréal, Rive-Nord et Rive-Sud. Découvrez nos solutions d'insonorisation.

    www.insonorisati*nsmg.com/ - UTF-8 - 2015-06-19

  • 12hournurse.com

    Hospital Nursing Home Noise Control


    www.12hournurs*.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-06

  • acousti.com

    Acoustic Ceilings

       [待更新] Commercial and industrial acoustical ceilings, walls, and flooring, computer access floor systems, sport flooring, walls & partitions contractor. Featuring Armstrong, USG, and Celotex products.

    www.acous*i.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-04

  • citysoundproofing.com

    Welcome to City Sounproofing

       [待更新] City Soundproofing combines personal service, acoustics know-how, and the most advanced technology to meet your noise control needs.

    www.c*tysoundproofing.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-07

  • bayareanoisecontrol.com

    Soundproofing San Francisco

       [待更新] ay Area Noise Control is a local San Francisco soundproofing company providing soundproofing consulting, soundproofing installations & remodeling, and professional soundproofing products. We are a team of experienced acoustical consultants, specialty...

    www.bay*reanoisecontrol.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-08

  • auralex.com

    Auralex Acoustics


    www.auralex*.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-06

  • audimutesoundproofing.com

    Soundproofing Panels & Mat...

       [待更新] Since 1993, Audimute has provided high quality soundproofing walls materials and soundproofing panels for home and commercial soundproofing needs.

    www.audimutesou*dproofing.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-10

  • asistorefront.com

    Acoustical Products Materials

       [待更新] enter your site description here

    www.asistoref*ont.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-05

  • allnoisecontrol.com

    Noise Control

       [待更新] Noise Control Education, noise control knowledge and noise mitigation solutions. Noise Control Materials to reduce noise pollution.

    www.allnois*control.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-04

  • acousticalfoam.com

    Acoustical Foam...

       [待更新] Acoustical Foam products manufacturers and distributors directory including acoustic foam for sound control, sound proof acoustical foam, acoustic foam panels, noise control foam for recording and studios, aircraft noise control acoustic foam, and more

    www.acous*icalfoam.com - UTF-8 - 2016-02-08

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