Washing Machine 洗衣機
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Huebsch recently expanded the territory of Fort Lauderdale- based Aaxon Laundry Systems. Aaxon will now also cover the North Florida region up to Tallahassee for the Huebsch brand. Aaxon Laundry Systems is one of the nation's innovators in coin/card laundry design and development, multi-housing laundry room solutions and on-premise laundry equipment applications.www.aaxon.com
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Alvey's garbage can washers & tray washers are the trusted name in the commercial kitchen and food industry, precisely engineered to clean various products.www.alveywashing.com
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Commercial kitchen and laundry equipment stocking and distributions, Bohec Middle Eastwww.bohec.com
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資訊庫 - 洗衣機 (388)
- 求購信息 - 廢舊機電設備回收時洗衣機款式類型-上海廢舊機電設備回收 - 2023-09-11 17:10:04
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[待更新] 泰州海鋒洗滌機「***」械供應商集水洗設備、洗滌機械、洗衣房設備生産、銷售、服務一體化廠傢,並通用提供洗衣房設備清單,洗滌機械價格。www.xd*xyam.com
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[待更新] 泰州市恆好機械設備有限公司提供工業洗衣機, 洗衣房設備, 水洗設備, 洗衣設備, 脫水機, 洗佈機, 濾佈清洗機等成套係列洗滌設備的企業。每臺洗佈機, 濾佈清洗機均以佳性能和髙可靠設計和製造, 使恆好工業洗衣機, 洗衣設備成爲市場上真正的髙産品。如果您有需要請和我們聯係, 手機:(0)**...www.tzw*sher.com.cn
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[待更新] 洛陽市矗立物資有限公司主要銷售氧氣、液態氧、氩氣(壓縮及液態)、二氧化碳(液化的)、氮氣(壓縮及液化)、混闔氣(70%Ar-30%CO2)、乙炔、丙烷等www.ky*nkj.cn
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