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Electronics 電子

 張先生  Derek Huang  楊春林  上海smt貼片...  唐小姐 

  • aheeva.com

    Contact Center Solutions


    [呼叫中心] - www.ahee*a.com - UTF-8 - 2024-08-02

  • actiontec.com


       [待審] Actiontec’s Gateways and Extenders incorporate the most advanced WiFi 7 technology, including tri-band 4x4x4 with 10Gbps WAN/LAN throug...

    [呼叫中心] - www.a*tiontec.com - UTF-8 - 2024-08-02

  • adiance.com

    The Best Security Camera Manufacturers in the USA

      ::1Adiance is USA based best security camera manufacturers & supplier company which provides in customization of CCTV camera according to the client’s requirements

    [呼叫中心] - www.adiance.com - UTF-8 - 2024-08-02

  • advantagecall.com

    Mexico and Jamaica

      ::1Consumers want a seamless omnichannel customer service experience. Check out the advantages of using our Canadian and Jamaican call center locations.

    [呼叫中心] - www.advantagecall.com - UTF-8 - 2024-08-01

  • amctechnology.com

    AMC Technology's DaVinci...

      ::1CX organizations use AMC Technology's DaVinci to unify systems, trigger workflows and provide seamless customer interactions...

    [呼叫中心] - www.amctechnology.com - UTF-8 - 2024-07-30

  • alliedbarton.com

    Allied Universal


    [呼叫中心] - www.alli*dbarton.com - UTF-8 - 2024-07-30

  • amgen.com



    [呼叫中心] - www.amgen.com - UTF-8 - 2024-07-30

  • anser.com


      ::1Call AnSer in Green Bay, WI for all your phone answering service needs, (800)***. We serve businesses of all sizes and industries.

    [呼叫中心] - www.anser.com - UTF-8 - 2024-07-29

  • answerallusa.com

    Answer All USA

      ::1Answer All USA provides a combination of the best people and best technology in the call center services industry.

    [呼叫中心] - www.answerallusa.com - UTF-8 - 2024-07-29

  • arvato.co.uk


      ::1We are ArvatoConnect. We are a socially conscious customer experience and business optimisation partner. Future shapers. Experience makers.

    [呼叫中心] - www.arvato.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-07-29

  • uooyoo.com



    [移動電話] - www.uooyoo.com - GB2312 - 2024-03-28

  • ydled.net


       [待更新] 優秀led節能燈、led球泡燈企業—上海一帝電子科技有限公司專業從事LED燈泡生産與銷售。我們的led球泡燈通過權威機構認證, 可爲廣大客戶提供led節能燈工程解決方案。***

    [其他] - www.ydle*.net - UTF-8 - 2013-07-04

  • skywldh.com


       [待更新] SKY網絡電話用自主知識産權的voip網絡電話語音技術,可通過電腦和手機直接撥打國内外電話。價格低廉、通話清晰又穩定,接通率髙,口碑同類第一,是中國至受歡迎的通用網絡電話軟件!通用試用, 天天送話費, 盡在SKY網絡電話網站! ...

    [網絡電話] - www.skywld*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-10-18

  • nestle.com.sg

    Nestlé Singapore


    [呼叫中心] - www.n*stle.com.sg - UTF-8 - 2014-11-13

  • liantu.com


       [待更新] 在線二維碼生成器提供通用的在線二維碼生成服務,可以把電子名片、文本、wifi網絡、電子郵件、短信、電話號碼、網址等信息生成對應的二維碼圖片。二維碼手機掃描軟件分享。

    [移動電話] - www.liant*.com - UTF-8 - 2013-05-27

  • spjcy.com


     [盟] ::1採購食品安全檢測儀就上食品快檢儀器網,專業生産多功能食品安全檢測儀,髙智能食品檢測設備,食品安全快速檢測儀,提供多參數便攜式食品綜闔分析儀報價歡迎來電諮詢.

    [儀器、儀錶] - www.spjcy.com - UTF-8 - 2024-04-07

  • blackberry.com

    Smartphones & Mobile Phones from BlackBerry

       [待更新] Discover why BlackBerry is the leading smartphone device solution. Cell Phones and smartphones with video, software and services to connect mobile professionals to the internet, email, GPS, and enterprise applications.

    [移動電話] - www.bla*kberry.com - UTF-8 - 2017-03-30

  • networkcomputing.com



    [呼叫中心] - www.networkc*mputing.com - UTF-8 - 2017-03-25

  • lshdabs.com


       [待更新] 樑山瀚德電子科技有限公司是一傢專業爲汽車製造行業提供ABS刹車係統的企業,公司主營産品有:掛車abs、半掛車abs、威伯科abs、科密abs等品牌。

    [感測器] - www.l*hdabs.com - UTF-8 - 2022-10-13

  • idc.com

    The premier global market intelligence firm


    [呼叫中心] - www.*dc.com - UTF-8 - 2014-11-13

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