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Exhibitions Fairs 商展、會議

創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。

  • nationalcareerfairs.com

    National Career Fairs – National Career Fairs

       [待更新] National Career Fairs has been bringing the best employers together over 15 years. Attend one of our career fairs for free in a city near you.

    [國際網路] - www.nationalcaree*fairs.com - -

  • 1up.co.za

    1UP Exhibition Stand Builders

       [待更新] Custom premium exhibition stand builders - specialists in the conceptualisation, design, in-house manufacturing and implementation of displays and high-end shopfitting.

    [國際網路] - 1up.*o.za/ - -

  • normdesignhaus.com

    Top Reviewed Interior Designer Malaysia

       [待更新] Modern interior design Malaysia with 360 VR Tour. FREE consultation. Complete guide How to design your interiors. Experienced Malaysian interior designers for more interior design ideas. MORE house interior design solutions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Renovation Malaysia can be tricky and Good Contractor Malaysia is hard to find. Norm Designhaus is One of the top interior design firm in Malaysia. We provide creative interior design consultancy service, 10 Must-see interior design ideas and present the best home design in 360 virtual reality VR tour. Reliable contractor for your house renovation Malaysia. There are 8 ways to work with a interior designer Malaysia. Engage now with the best interior designer in Malaysia. How to modernize your dream home? Click in to see 15 best modern interior design in Malaysia.

    [國際網路] - www.normdesignhau*.com/ - -

  • red-dotexhibitions.co.uk

    Red Dot Exhibitions


    [國際網路] - www.red-dote*hibitions.co.uk - -

  • si-exhibition.ru

    International Educational Exhibitions in Russia


    [國際網路] - www.si-e*hibition.ru - -

  • sabachdesign.com



    [國際網路] - www.sa*achdesign.com - -

  • wspa.net

    Washington School Personnel Association

       [待更新] Providing support, advocacy and continual learning for Human Resource professionals.

    [國際網路] - www.wsp*.net - -

  • acemgmt.com


       [待更新] Association, Conferences, and Exhibition Management, Inc. (ACE Management) is a full service association management company with the knowledge, expertise, equipment, and staff to ensure the success of your association, conference/meetings, or trade show. Our Firm Since 1987, Association, Conferences, and Exhibition Management, Inc. has been providing clients with quality, cost effective solutions to their organization and…

    [國際網路] - www.acem*mt.com - -

  • asci.org

    Art & Science Collaborations Homepage

       [待更新] Art & Science Collaborations (TM) Inc. (ASCI) specializes in producing science-inspired, international, art exhibitions, public projects, and ASCI eBulletin.

    [國際網路] - www.*sci.org - -

  • clickshowcase.com


       [待更新] 四川克裏克展覽展示有限公司是國内排名靠前的髙端博物館展櫃及文物展示櫃廠傢.主要爲博物館, 美術館, 紀唸館, 圖書館, 檔案館文物, 藝術品及私人收藏品提供展示櫃定製, 展陳設計方案.

    [國際網路] - www.clicks*owcase.com - -

  • ibexshow.com


       [待更新] Keep connected to the products, technology, people, and training that are advancing the industry. No other event gives you so much access to marine industry development.

    [國際網路] - www.ibe*show.com - -

  • rai.nl

    RAI Amsterdam

       [待更新] Wij organiseren en faciliteren waardevolle ontmoetingen.

    [國際網路] - www.r*i.nl - -

  • wlwexpo.net


       [待更新] AIOTE物聯網展, 中國國際物聯網博覽會(AIOTE智博會)自2010年創辦以來,至今已成功舉辦十多屆。AIOTE智博會是中國知名度較髙、規模較大、影響力較廣的專業展覽會;是被國際業界公認的不可錯過的名展之一。隨着AIOTE智博會的國際地位和影響不斷提昇,已成爲國内外智慧城市、物聯網、大數據、人工智能行業交流與貿易的重要展會,成爲現代智慧城市、物聯網、大數據、人工智能技術至新成果的展示平臺,是我國科技産業發展的風向標。AIOTE智博會彙集瞭全球先進的智慧城市、物聯網、大數據、人工智能、智能傢居、智慧工地等

    [國際網路] - www.*lwexpo.net - -

  • sgcbh.com



    [國際網路] - www.sgcb*.com - -

  • sf-expo.cn


       [待更新] SF EXPO與全國性權威協會聯闔主辦,立足華南十數載,並於2012年通過國際展覽業協會UFI認證。多年來,展會秉承髙質量、國際化、市場化的原則不斷開拓創新,成爲國内錶麵處理行業新産品、新技術展示推廣的權威盛會

    [國際網路] - www.sf-expo*.cn - -

  • sartfair.com



    [國際網路] - www.sartfa*r.com - -

  • messefrankfurt.com

    Company Portal

       [待更新] The Messe Frankfurt corporate website – all information about the Group in one place.

    [國際網路] - www.mess*frankfurt.com - -

  • gde.cc


       [待更新] 廣東現代國際展覽中心是亞洲至大的展館群之一,佔地麵積33萬平方米,共有6個大型展館,集展覽、會議、商務、活動等多功能於一體。曆經十數載快速發展,廣東現代國際展覽中心已躍身爲國内聞名、國際知名的工業展覽基地和辦展主體。

    [國際網路] - www.*de.cc - -

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