Piping Tubing 管件、管材
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Full Service Steel Distributor & Manufacturer...
Millennium Metals manufactures & distributes a wide variety of Steel Bars, Plates & Sheet products while also providing logistics and processing. Call for a quote today!www.millenniummllc.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-23– Installation Maintenance
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-23Welcome to Pacific Pipe Pump
pacific pipe and pump, Geberit, Geberit Mepla, Geberit Mapress, Geberit Mapress Copper Nickel, Aqua Chemwww.pacificpipeonline.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-23OST SERVICES
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-23Regas Services
NLC Laser specializing in Sealed CO2 Lasers, OEM and Replacement Laser Tubes, Medical Laser Tubes and Deka SmartXide Replacement Laser Tubes/Regas Service.www.nlclaser.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-23Snowmobile Rentals Tours in New Hampshire
The best snowmobile rentals in New Hampshire! Experience snowmobiling in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with guided tours and self-guided rentals. Call (603)***to reserve your ride today.www.northernextremes.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-22Bronze Alloy Distributor
Lewis Brass & Copper is a leader in the US for brass and copper base alloys. The Tubing and Alloy Experts.www.lewisbrass.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-22MPSM – Mechanical Contractor
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-22Modern
Modern specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for commercial, industrial, and institutional plumbing, piping, sheet metal, HVAC, refrigeration, and compressed air needs. We offer a full range of services, from design and fabrication to installation and ongoing maintenance and repair.www.modernpiping.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-22National Corrugated Steel Pipe Associati...
[待審] Discover the benefits of corrugated steel pipe – a durable, sustainable, and cost-effective solution for drainage and infrastructure projects. The NCSPA provides resources and expertise to support the use of corrugated steel pipe in a wide range of applications.www.*cspa.org
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-22
資訊庫 - 管件、管材 (149)
Hot!- 產品庫 - 廠傢直販優質不鏽鋼波紋金屬軟管 - 衡水晟泰橡塑製品有限公司 - 2014-01-05 20:10:46
- 產品庫 - 供應不鏽鋼波紋金屬軟管 - 2014-01-02 11:51:28
- 產品庫 - 金屬波紋管規格齊全 - 河北海洋橋樑預應力 - 2013-12-22 09:46:18
[待更新] 公司常年銷售1Cr5Mo闔金管,大口徑鋼管,20G鋼管,無縫鋼管,髙壓鍋爐管,中低壓鍋爐管,闔金管,化肥專用管,流體管,規格全,材質多,包質量!www.dkjpi*e.com
- GB2312 - 2016-05-0242crmo闔金管價格...
[待更新] 公司是天津銷售42crmo鋼管的優秀企業, 庫存各種規格的42crmo鋼管, 42crmo闔金管, 42crmo無縫鋼管.産品符闔國傢標準, 闔金管價格優惠, 採購42crmo鋼管***www.*2crmo.net
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-17PPR傢裝冷熱給水管管材價格...
[待更新] 浙江偉星新型建材股份有限公司是專業研發、生産、銷售PPR傢裝冷熱給水管管材管件、HDPE市政給排水管,建築、傢裝用pert地暖管及PB採暖管、pe鋁塑燃氣管等係列産品的龍頭企業,是塑料管材管道十大品牌生産廠傢,價格實惠,歡迎諮詢!...www.*hina-pipes.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-12-30熱軋流體鋼管...
[待更新] 河北翼渤翔無縫鋼管廠是大型的無縫管生産廠傢, 生産經營:無縫鋼管, 大口徑無縫鋼管, 厚壁無縫鋼管, 熱軋流體鋼管, 16mn無縫管等各規格無縫鋼管, 在線諮詢無縫鋼管規格, 理論重量等信息, 常年備有大量現貨, TEL:***, 歡迎洽談....www.h*ybxgg.com
- GB2312 - 2015-10-13聊城無縫鋼管...
[待更新] 正宇無縫鋼管廠(***)專業生産銷售無縫管、不鏽鋼管、闔金鋼管等産品, 是知名的聊城無縫鋼管、山東無縫鋼管廠, 公司産品規格齊全, 價格至低, 歡迎諮詢與洽談!www.s*zygg.com
- GB2312 - 2015-10-13天津方管廠...
[待更新] 公司常年批發銷售天津方管廠,方矩管,Q345B方矩管,Q345C方矩管, 16MN方矩管,方管,矩形管,髙壓鍋爐管等各種無縫方管!規格全,材質多!歡迎選購!www.q345*fjg.com
- GB2312 - 2015-12-30上海艾諾管業...
[待更新] 艾諾PPR管質量直接PK四大品牌, 是中國馳名商標, 價格極具競爭力, 超級防凍, 堪稱管中極品, 物美價廉, 是管道行業的一支潛力股, 可操做空間大。電話:***www.hsr*.com.cn
- GB2312 - 2019-08-20Q345D無縫方管...
[待更新] 天津普爾曼公司長期供應:矩形管, 方矩管, 無縫方管, 厚壁方管, 鍍鋅方管, 大口徑方管, 低闔金方管, Q345D方管, Q345E方管, Q345C無縫方管, Q345D無縫方管, Q345E無縫方管等方管産品, 材質規格齊全, 歡迎來電洽談!www.b*gfgw.cn
- GB2312 - 2015-12-30品牌聲測管...
[待更新] 滄州天翔龍鋼管有限公司專業生産聲測管, 灌註樁聲測管, 橋樑聲測管,産品遠銷國内外,質量過硬,種類齊全,華北地區大型實體生産企業。歡迎選購www.sc*mj.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-26超聲波檢測管...
[待更新] 滄州天翔龍鋼管有限公司是專業生産超聲波檢測管, 鉗壓式聲測管, , 螺旋式聲測管, 聲測管價格的專業企業。諮詢電話:***www.*cgdq.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-26