Piping Tubing 管件、管材
創建名片 - 網絡名片,拓展全球商務人脈資源。
[待審] Leading supplier of steel pipes and related services for the world's energy industrywww.ips*o.com
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Kuriyama of America manufactures a complete line of commercial & industrial hoses that includes thermoplastic, rubber & metal hose products & accessories.www.kuriyama.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-19API Certified Tank And Piping Inspections Service
InterSpec LLC is the leading tank, piping, and environmental inspection service provider offers professional and affordable inspections and recommendations.www.interspecllc.net
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-19Autokiniton
Autokiniton provides value-driven, sustainable automotive components and assembly solutions for our customers in the mobility industry. Our dedication to teamwork, speed, simplification, performance, and empowering our associates has made us a trusted partner to the world’s top automotive manufacturers. Our legacy of operational excellence, high-quality execution, and customer service ensures that every project, no matter how challenging, is in the best possible hands.www.jaytecllc.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-19Kapilansh Dhatu Udyog
Enhenyero Bootstrap Template is perfect for Industrial, Engineering and other Corporate Companies. It is fully responsive, well docommented codes with clean and awesome design.www.kapilansh.com
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IEI is a forensic expert witness and building systems design consultant with expertise in various disciplines: HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, building codes and more.www.iveycon.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-10Industrial Piping Steel
Welcome to Industrial Piping & Steel. For 28 years, we've provided the State of Texas with reputable steel service and precise rebar fabrication.www.industrialpipingandsteel.com
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[待審] Rayfast offers high-performance harness component products combined with technical sales advice in the sectors of Aerospace, Defence, Motorsport and Naval Marine sectors, as well as many others.www.*srayfast.com
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資訊庫 - 管件、管材 (149)
Hot!- 供應信息 - 專業批發厚壁小口徑無縫鋼管,特殊規格可定做,質優價廉 - 天津鋼管集團股份有限公司 - 訪問網站 - 2013-12-08 21:44:22
- 產品庫 - 沙鋼揚子江冷軋闆公司無取向矽鋼生産獲突破 - 天津鋼管集團股份有限公司 - 2013-12-08 21:42:00
- 服務項目 - 廠傢直販金屬軟管 - 2013-11-22 10:51:02
[待更新] 烏魯木齊美克金屬材料有限公司(***)銷售烏魯木齊不鏽鋼複闔管, 烏魯木齊不鏽鋼裝飾管, 烏魯木齊不鏽鋼閥門, 新疆不鏽鋼複闔闆,新疆不鏽鋼帶, 新疆304不鏽鋼法蘭, 新疆316l不鏽鋼彎頭, 從業多年, 資深企業, 絕對能滿足您的需求!...www.*cybxgg.com
- UTF-8 - 2017-04-02打造鋼管管件産品線上供應求收信息平臺...
[待更新] 中國鋼管網位於中國管道裝備之都河北滄州,是專爲管道、鋼管、管件、鋼材、管材及管道生産設備等行業打造的管道行業信息B2B平臺,爲廣大管道、鋼管、管件供應商企業提供鋼管現貨, 鋼管價格至新行情及管道招標、管件招標信息發佈平臺。...www.*teelpipe.wang
- UTF-8 - 2021-07-26天津钛闔金管...
[待更新] 我公司長期主營钛闔金管、12Cr1MoV闔金闆、15CrMo闔金闆等闔金闆産品!適用於工程、煤礦、紡織、電力、鍋爐、機械、軍工等各個領域。我公司價格低!歡迎來電選購!www.h*b1588.com
- GB2312 - 2016-04-12Q345C闔金鋼管...
[待更新] 天津市申達鑫通商貿有限公司經營銷售Q345C無縫鋼管、Q345C無縫管、Q345C闔金管、Q345C闔金鋼管、12Cr1MoV無縫管、15CrMo無縫鋼管、15CrMo無縫管等無縫管産品!我公司産品材質全,價格低!歡迎來電選購!www.q345*gg.com
- GB2312 - 2016-04-02A335P22闔金管...
[待更新] 公司備有各種材質的優質15Mo3闔金管、A335P22闔金管、A335P91闔金管、WB36闔金管等産品。公司鋼材已立足天津鋼材市場,成爲華北鋼材市場的有生力量!公司貨源充足、規格齊全、交貨迅捷,實力雄厚,資源充足!歡迎來電諮詢選購!...www.*335p91.com
- GB2312 - 2016-05-17保溫螺旋鋼管...
[待更新] 【電話:*** /***】天津螺旋管, 天津螺旋管廠, 防腐螺旋鋼管, 保溫螺旋鋼管, 天津螺旋管廠傢, 天津螺旋鋼管廠, 螺旋鋼管廠傢, 螺旋鋼管生産廠傢, 天津螺旋鋼管廠傢, 大邱莊螺旋鋼管廠, 大邱莊螺旋鋼管廠傢等.www.myb*xiugang.com
- GB2312 - 2018-02-15聊城時宏物資有限公司主營:316不鏽鋼管...
[待更新] 專業經營各種不鏽鋼産品:201不鏽鋼管, 202不鏽鋼管, 301不鏽鋼管, 302不鏽鋼管, 304不鏽鋼管, 304L不鏽鋼管, 310S不鏽鋼管, 316不鏽鋼管, 316L不鏽鋼管, 321不鏽鋼管, 不鏽鋼無縫管, 不鏽鋼焊管 等www.zgstgg*.cn
- GB2312 - 2016-02-2215CrMoG闔金鋼管...
[待更新] 公司主要經營無縫鋼管, 闔金管, 12Cr1MoVG闔金鋼管, 15CrMoG闔金鋼管, Q345B無縫鋼管, 16MnDG低溫闔金管, 等各種無縫鋼管,電話:***www.w*ggwz.cn
- GB2312 - 2016-03-05天津市泰禾鋼管製造...
[待更新] 天津市泰禾鋼管製造有限公司主營:大棚管, 棚鋼管, , 鍍鋅大棚管, 天津大棚管, 大棚骨架等産品。承接蔬菜大棚, 溫室大棚, 養殖大棚, 種植大棚, 保溫大棚設計建設工程。www.tjgg*14.com
- UTF-8 - 2021-11-19公司銷售各種無縫鋼管...
[待更新] 天津市駿馳偉業公司批發銷售A333GR6無縫鋼管, L245無縫鋼管, L360無縫鋼管等各種無縫鋼管!我們將以優惠的價格,爲您提供快捷優質的服務!歡迎來電諮詢!www.sjwf*g.com
- GB2312 - 2016-03-26