Piping Tubing 管件、管材
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[待更新] 泰州市立海船舶設備有限公司專業從事船用甲闆漏水口, 船用雙聯油濾器, 船用粗水濾器的生産和銷售, 産品已經服務瞭南京, 無錫, 鎮江, 蘇州, 南通等衆多地區客戶, 深得廣大客戶信賴, 歡迎來電諮詢www.lhcb*b.com/
- UTF-8 - 2019-01-05橢圓異型鋼管...
[待更新] 雷諾鋼管有限公司-異型鋼管廠傢,公司主要生産異型鋼管,也生産異型鋼管、方管、鍍鋅管等鋼管産品,常年熱銷往聊城、濟南、濰坊、臨沂、威海等城市,想知道鍍鋅鋼管的廠傢/生産/批發/加工/報價等信息,請進入網站瞭解諮詢。...www.lc*lngg.com
- GB2312 - 2018-12-27Stainless Steel Pipe
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-24Copper Nickel
[待更新] Copper Nickel Alloy Manufacturer and Suppliers Since 1990, Buy Cuni 90/10 and 70/30 For Electrical Engineering & Seawater Piping. Copper products at Best Price In Indiawww.smicop*er.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-18安徽聲測管...
[待更新] 滄州市寶益德鋼管有限公司(***)主要生産浙江聲測管, 上海聲測管, 安徽聲測管, 産品遠銷國内各地, 受到瞭消費者信賴, 成爲那週地區知名的聲測管廠傢, 橋樑聲測管採購www.*c630.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-10髙壓鋼管...
[待更新] 【電話:*** 手機:***】天津華陽鋼鐵實業公司提供優質髙壓鍋爐管, 髙壓鍋爐管廠, GB5310髙壓鍋爐管, 髙壓管, 鍋爐管, 髙壓鋼管, 鍋爐鋼管, 髙壓無縫鋼管, 鍋爐無縫鋼管等産品.www.tj*rhtwz.com
- GB2312 - 2018-12-07精密無縫鋼管...
[待更新] 山東無縫鋼管廠(***)位於曆史文化名城-山東聊城,是經營無縫鋼管大型企業,常年銷售的、各大鋼廠生産的優質大小口徑無縫鋼管、厚壁無縫鋼管、精密無縫鋼管。歡迎廣大客商來電垂詢。www.btwfgg*.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-04大口徑無縫管...
[待更新] 山東耀通鋼管有限公司【手機:*** 電話:***】提供20號無縫鋼管,小口徑無縫鋼管,大口徑無縫管,厚壁鋼管,厚壁無縫管, 山東無縫鋼管生産廠傢,常備資源材質爲:20#、35#、 45#、20G 、16Mn 、27SiMn 、12Cr1MoV 、15CrMo 、35Cr...www.jc99gg*.com
- GB2312 - 2018-12-04髙壓鍋爐管...
[待更新] 聊城市魯源鋼材有限公司(鋼管廠、山東鋼管、江蘇鋼管)常年銷售鋼管、無縫鋼管、無縫管、髙壓鍋爐管等産品,現庫存量達一萬噸,上千個品種,是全國規模較大的無縫管供應基地。電話:******www.*dxfgg.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-03無錫大棚管廠...
[待更新] 無錫大棚管廠專業生産熱鍍鋅大棚管, 熱浸鋅大棚骨架, 大棚鋼管, 大棚配件, 單體大棚, 常年建設單體大棚, 22大棚管, 25大棚管, 4分大棚管, 6分大棚管, GP622大棚, GP625大棚, GP825大棚 和 GP832大棚等, 諮詢電話:***www.gang*uansc.com
- GB2312 - 2018-12-03
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BrakeQuip products covers all your automotive plumbing with custom DOT-compliant Brake, Clutch and Power Steering hoses, tubing, accessories, hardware and toolswww.brakequip.com
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Your turnkey, single-source solution for design, manufacturing, construction and installation of FRP corrosion-resistant products.www.ershigs.com
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Precision tubes in stainless steel, nickel and titanium alloys as seamless, welded and redrawn tube form.www.finetubes.co.uk
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We offer the world's most complete line of petroleum equipment including Submersible Pumping Systems, Piping & Containment Systems, Service Station Hardware, ...www.franklinfueling.com
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Aerospace Metals: Future Metals, a leading US Aircraft and Aerospace Supplier, manufactures quality materials for Aerospace and Aviation Industry.www.futuremetals.com
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