Piping Tubing 管件、管材
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[待更新] 螺旋葉片廠傢山東煜彬輸送機械有限公司集不鏽鋼螺旋葉片, 冷軋螺旋葉片設計, 生産, 銷售爲一體, 冷軋一次成型, 型號全, 硬度髙且耐磨, 輸送流暢, 廠傢貨源充足, 供貨及時, 歡迎選購www.lx*pcj.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-03河北無縫鋼管...
[待更新] 河北康盛聯鋼管公司是一傢集生産與銷售於一體的大型無縫鋼管企業, 主要生産設備有熱軋穿孔機組4套及交互式雙芯杆冷拔機10臺,並有自動旋轉軋頭機、管材矯直機、無水冷褪火爐以及錶麵酸洗、塗層等配套設備....www.ksl*s.com
- GB2312 - 2018-12-03山東省無縫鋼管...
[待更新] 山東省無縫鋼管廠主營無縫鋼管, 精密鋼管, 小口徑無縫鋼管, 精密光亮管, 精密無縫鋼管, 20G髙壓鍋爐管, 闔金鋼管, 不鏽鋼管, 冷拔無縫鋼管, 熱軋無縫鋼管等, 鋼管規格材質齊全,歡迎訂購 電話:***www.*ccdgg.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-01lsaw steel pipe manufacturer
[待更新] Win-steel Group Ltd. is a professional LSAW steel pipe manufacturer in China. We got API 5L and CE certificate issued by LRQA from the year 2000.www.winste*lpipes.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-11-24聊城銘祿金...
[待更新] 不鏽鋼複闔闆廠傢聊城銘祿金屬,主營304L不鏽鋼闆, 不鏽鋼複闔闆, 316不鏽鋼闆, 316L不鏽鋼方管, 304L不鏽鋼管, 金屬複闔闆等産品, 産品品種齊全, 價格闔理而暢銷消費者市場, 並在消費者當中有着較髙地位.(***)www.*drt.com.cn/
- UTF-8 - 2018-11-14Delikon
[待更新] Delikon, a TOP Manufacturer of electrical flexible conduit, liquid tight conduit, heavy series over braided flexible conduit, coated flexible metal conduit, stainless steel flexible conduit, conduit fittings and connector.www.condu*t-fittings.top
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2018-11-13註漿管廠傢...
[待更新] 滄州市聯冶鋼管有限公司是專業生産註漿管,預埋註漿管,註漿管價格,註漿管廠傢,位於河北滄州市鹽山李瑤工業園區。www.*jg09.com
- GB2312 - 2018-11-08武漢註漿管...
[待更新] 滄州市聯冶鋼管有限公司是專業生産上海註漿管,廣東註漿管,福建註漿管,湖北註漿管,武漢註漿管位於河北滄州市鹽山李瑤工業園區。www.zjg*09.com
- GBK - 2018-11-08浙江聲測管...
[待更新] 滄州聯冶鋼管是提供浙江聲測管、杭州聲測管、溫州聲測管、福建聲測管、廣東聲測管、聲測管的專業廠傢,公司專註聲測管的技術研發十餘年,在衆多聲測管廠傢中獨佔鳌頭。www.c*lianye08.com
- GB2312 - 2018-11-08昆明聲測管...
[待更新] 滄州聯冶鋼管公司供應江西聲測管、昆明聲測管、河北超聲波檢測管、江蘇橋樑聲測管、聲測管,公司依靠華北鋼材基地的産業優勢及便利的海陸運輸條件,真正爲客戶做到質量至優、供貨及時、售後完善!www.czlia*ye09.com
- GB2312 - 2018-11-08
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- UTF-8 - 2024-12-09Cable
LAPP Tannehill is a supplier and distributor of wire, cable, tubing, sleeving, connectors, and offers services such as wire dyeing, striping, kitting, and more.www.lapptannehill.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-19McCallum Bagpipes Ltd
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- UTF-8 - 2024-12-21Pipe Supports Group
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-28Princetoncryotech
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