teaching and touring schedules
[待更新] Yoga educator and author Leslie Kaminoff's esutra blog, onweb courses and teaching schedule. Available for booking through YAMA Talent.www.yogaana*omy.org
- UTF-8 - 2012-01-13
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali chanted sanskri...
[待更新] The ancient Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Mark Giubarelli. Download each yoga sutra in MP3 format and listen to them learn to chant sanskrit.www.patanja*isutras.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-01-13
I Love Yoga
[待更新] I Love Yoga's onweb store provides inspiring, yoga clothing for men and women. Yoga tanks, yoga tees, yoga pants, yoga mats and yoga accessories. www.il*veyoga.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-06-26
Lifestyle News...
[待更新] Fashion Trends - It is time to get limitless with lifestyle and what else can deliver you the best than boldsky.com. We at boldsky provide you all that you want to know about beauty, fashion tips and cosmopolitan living so get bolder and let sky be the limit. It is oneindia's lifestyle channel which will constantly keep you updated about lifestyle, beauty news, fashion tips, health, home n garden, pregnancy parenting, relationship and more.www.boldsky*.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-09-11
[待更新] 長春瑜伽館、同心瑜伽養生會館是一傢大型連鎖會館, 作爲吉林省長春市瑜伽, 舞蹈培訓基地, 始終緻力於正宗瑜伽教學的推廣普及工作, 成功推出特色瑜伽課程, 使學員可迅速改善自身體質, 矯正非優生活習慣並有效讓身體各項機能恢複到至佳狀態....www.tx-yj*.net
- GB2312 - 2012-10-22
[待更新] 武漢健身網,是武漢健身運動領域的綜闔門戶社區,提供至新的健身資訊、健身行業動態、健身知識、健身營養、武漢健身房導航。努力爲廣大健身愛好者,提供一個專業的健身資訊與健身交流平臺。www.wuhan*it.com
- GB2312 - 2012-05-19
[待更新] 爲您提供:仰卧闆, 腹肌闆, 仰卧起坐闆, 給您帶來仰卧起坐闆至新排行, 親身體檢, 效果無與倫比, 是打算收腹, 減肥, 産後瘦腰的至佳選擇www.gou*u592.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-06-02
[待更新] 生光身心頤養院療程,身心治療師課程,廣州瑜伽5S教學體係培訓,佛山瑜伽療養禪城中心***,瑜伽教育學,瑜伽私教,國學文化研修,道德素養修習身心療癒www.lnx*oga.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-06-26
[待更新] 專業提供瑜伽培訓、瑜伽教練培訓、瑜伽結盟、招商於一體的綜闔性企業, 特有國際瑜珈學院強力的後盾支持,並是邵陽地區獨一開設至早至爲專業的瑜伽會所.電話:******www.h*yoga.com
- GB2312 - 2012-09-11
[待更新] Yogiños: Yoga for Youth® is an OHMazing™ interdisciplinary curriculum in English, Spanish, and Sanskrit. We weave together the 8 Limbs ...www.yo*inos.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-09-10