[待更新] 武漢爵士舞培訓中心(靈動力舞蹈培訓基地)課程包括:武漢爵士舞培訓, 武漢舞蹈培訓, 武漢街舞培訓, 武漢少兒街舞培訓, 舞蹈教練培訓等舞蹈培訓班.湖北舞蹈教練培訓學校優秀機構。www.*27hiphop.com
- GB2312 - 2013-04-18
[待更新] 涉及金屬加工、建築電氣、傢具、食品、農業、環保等行業,在展覽行業中總結瞭豐富的經驗,得到瞭社會各界的好評和認可www.w*dongrs.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-20
[待更新] 北京爵士舞教練培訓-尚翼舞社彙聚瞭中國流行舞蹈領域至強明星陣容,國傢權威認證的職業舞蹈教練培訓機構,中國獨一的爵士舞和街舞教練雙培訓體係,緻力於髙端爵士舞、街舞教練培訓。www.shangyi*ushe.com
- UTF-8 - 2013-04-18
Women Sports
[待更新] Womenandsports.sg (WNS) is a dedicated women lifestyle resource centre by Singapore Sports Council for the women fraternity here. WNS aims to engage, enable and create opportunities for women to learn, share and participate in a variety of sporting activities and programmes. And, in the long run to develop women as sports enablers to their families and social circle to lead sports as a way of life.www.womenandspor*s.sg
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26
London's Dance House
[待更新] The world's No.1 venue dedicated to international dance - presenting dance in all forms from contemporary to flamenco, ballet to hip hop and morewww.s*dlerswells.com
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26
Dance Cats
[待更新] National Dance Centres for Advanced Training (CATs) indentify children with exceptional potential in dance and develop their talent through pioneering programmeswww.n*tionaldancecats.co.uk
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26
Dance Floor Radio
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26
Pulse Radio
[待更新] At Pulse Radio you can create your own music channel, upload mp3, stream & share mixes, read latest dance music news & interviews & follow your favourite DJswww.pu*seradio.net
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26
musique e...
[待更新] Site officiel de la radio musicale NRJ. Découvre webradios, biographies d'artistes, musique en ligne, clips vidéos, radio en ligne, NRJ Music Awards, titres diffusés à la radio, fréquences, podcasts…www.nr*.fr
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-26