2020-07-21 求購信息 - We Buy Cars Top Rate, Call Us NowAuz Metal Recyclers - 其他 - Auzz - 45.132.224.*
Auz metal is Australian based metal recyclers company, where you can sell your old or used metal, cars, trucks etc, and get cash instantly. ...(35/1)
2020-07-21 服務項目 - 混凝土結構現場檢測中的註意事項—鋼結構檢測 - 其他 - 鋼結構檢測 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
鋼筋混凝土結構設計規範採用的設計方法有容許應力設計法、破壞強度設計法和極限狀態設計法。在鋼筋混凝土出現的早期,大多採用以彈性理論爲基礎的容許應力設計法。(戶外廣告檢測)在本世紀30年代後期,蘇聯開始採用考慮鋼筋混凝土破壞階段塑性的破壞強度設計法;1950年,更進一步完善爲極限狀態設計法,它綜闔瞭前麵兩種設計方法的優點,既驗算使用階段的容許應力、容許裂縫寬度和撓度,也驗算破壞階段的承載能力,概唸比較 ...(1/1)
2020-07-21 服務項目 - 商品混凝土結構氣泡産生的原因—水泥瓦生産廠傢 - 水泥及製品、沙子 - 水泥瓦生産廠傢 - 49.89.131.*
商品混凝土是混凝土生産由粗放型生産向集約化大生産的轉變,實現瞭混凝土生産的專業化、商品化和社會化,是建築依靠技術進步改變小生産方式,實現建築工業化的一項重要改革。商品混凝土至早出現於歐洲,到20世紀70年代,( 瓦片批發廠傢)世界商品混凝土的發展進入黃金時期,商品混凝土在混凝土總産量中已經佔有絕對優勢。
2020-07-21 文章 - Cast Vs Blown Stretch Wrap - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 42.200.238.*
What are the Differences
The primary difference between these two types of Stretch Wrap Film is the process in which they are created and manufactured. These differences also make a big impact on the ...(26/1)
2020-07-21 文章 - Glass Handling Machine - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy Feng - 42.200.238.*
In our daily work of the glass processing plant, it is inevitable that the glass handling. Manual handling produces a variety of unsafe factors, such as may accidentally hurt the hands of workers, and ...(15/1)
2020-07-21 文章 - Why You Need Silver Doilies In Your Home - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 42.200.238.*
No one can overlook the importance of silver doilies can creating a perfect ambiance for your home or your event. Silver doilies are used by a lot of interior decorators and artists to create very won ...(24/1)
2020-07-21 文章 - The Development Direction Of New Energy Connectors - 端子、連接器 - Alice Dai - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
In the automotive market, new energy vehicles have gradually become mainstream. In addition to breakthroughs in key technologies such as batteries, motors, and electronic controls, core electronic com ...(14/1)
2020-07-21 供應信息 - TX-198 Common Rail Test Bench - 儀器、儀錶 - cntestbench - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
TX198 Expert High Pressure Common Rail Muti-function Test Bench is the universal test equipment that integrates electronic control high pressure common rail pumps, common rail, diesel in ...(22/1)
2020-07-21 文章 - What Is Superplasticizer Used For? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
High-efficiency water-reducing agent is also called plasticizer or dispersant. Its appearance is divided into water agent and powder. It is a kind of water-reducing agent that can reduce the necessary ...(3/1)
2020-07-21 供應信息 - What Are The Superplasticizer? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 42.200.238.* - 訪問網站
Superplasticizers are a type of linear polymer chemical additive used in cement and concrete manufacturing as high range water reducers. This simply means that superplasticizers reduce the amount of w ...(10/1)