搜索相关: 膠黏劑 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - 化工設備 - 化學礦 - 化工專案合作 - 化學試劑 - 化妝品 - 肥皂、洗滌劑 - 香料、香精 - 滅害 - 化工設計加工 - 化工產品代理 - 庫存化工品 - 塗料 - 合成藥 - 染料 - 生物化學、生物化工 - 肥料 - 資訊用化學品 - 飼料添加劑 - 食品添加劑 - 其他聚合物 - 無機鹽 - 堿類 - 其他 - 氧化物 - 酸類 - 單質 - 工業氣體 - 化學儀器 - 有機中間體 - 醫藥原料、中間體 - 其他 - 羧酸 - 酯類 - 雜環化合物 - 羧酸鹽 - 胺 - 酮 - 烷烴 - 醇 - 酸酐 - 芳香烴 - 醚類 - 酚 - 醛 - 烯烴 - 碸 - 炔烴 - 糖 - 其他 - 油漆 - 農藥 - 顏料 - 塑膠及塑膠製品 - 印刷油墨 - 樹脂 - 橡膠及製品 - 合成纖維 - 化工
2021-01-13 供應信息 - 臭氧催化劑處理廢氣優勢 - 山東西官氧化鋁科技有限公司 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - 吳總 - 124.134.53.* - 訪問網站
前者的作用是分解臭氧,原理可簡單理解爲催化劑變化臭氧半衰期的,使臭氧分解速率大幅增加從而達到短時間内迅速去除臭氧的目的。後者氧化催化劑的作用是用於消除VOCs,同時具備消除臭氧。其原理是利用具備臭氧發生能力的廢氣處理設備所産生的二次臭氧與廢氣在催化劑上發生反應,催化劑具有選擇性地捕捉廢氣當中的氣體成分從而與設備 ...(36/1)
2021-01-07 供應信息 - 臭氧催化劑主要成分有哪些 - 山東西官氧化鋁科技有限公司 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - 吳總 - 112.240.120.* - 訪問網站
臭氧催化劑主要成分爲改性活性氧化鋁爲載體,稀土組分(銅、錳、钴等)爲活性成分等。 臭氧催化劑可利用臭氧的強氧化性直接氧化水中的有機物, ...(53/1)
2020-10-10 供應信息 - Superplasticizer Admixture - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 119.247.14.* - 訪問網站
The rheological properties of concrete mixtures are mainly reflected in the workability of concrete. It is a series of operations of mixing, conveying, pouring, tamping, and smoothing of concrete mixt ...(64/1)
2020-09-12 供應信息 - Water Reducing Grade DK-100 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
DK-100 is a specifically designed polycarboxylate superplasticizer which owns excellent dispersion performance while maintaining good retention effects due to our cutting-edge processing technique; it ...(8/1)
2020-09-11 供應信息 - Concrete Additives - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 42.3.124.* - 訪問網站
Concrete additives is a chemical substance that is mixed in the process of mixing concrete and accounts for less than 5% of the cement mass, which can significantly improve the performance of concrete ...(38/1)
2020-09-08 文章 - What Is The Concrete Plasticizer? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
Plasticizers are the largest additives in the modern plastics industry and play a decisive role in promoting the development of the plastics industry, especially the PVC industry.
Anything that can ...(35/1)
2020-09-07 文章 - Do Superplasticizer Admixtures Affect The Strength Of Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
Water reducer is a concrete admixture that can reduce the water consumption for mixing while maintaining the slump of concrete basically unchanged.
According to the chemical composition, it is usua ...(74/1)
2020-09-03 文章 - Superplasticizer Monomer LPEG Slump Retention F-2089 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
This product is soluble in water and various organic solvents and it is an important raw material for a new generation of polycarboxylic acid water reducer. The high-performance polycarboxylic acid wa ...(49/1)
2020-09-02 文章 - Do Superplasticizer Admixtures Affect The Strength Of Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
Water reducer is a concrete admixture that can reduce the water consumption for mixing while maintaining the slump of concrete basically unchanged.
According to the chemical composition, it is usua ...(42/1)
2020-09-01 文章 - Cement Plasticizer - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
Mortar plasticizers have been used in China in the 1960s. However, due to the restrictions of construction specifications, the research on mortar plasticizers is not thorough and systematic, and there ...(65/1)