2020-07-20 供應信息 - How Much Does Our Paraffin Wax Cost? - 石蠟 - kayla - 42.98.4.* - 訪問網站
This question is some complicated than it sounds, it depends on many factors:
First of all, there are a lot of kinds of paraffin wax, and prices of course are different, it can start from 790$ to 8 ...(30/1)
2020-07-20 供應信息 - Difference Between Plasticizer And Superplasticizer? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 42.98.4.* - 訪問網站
Plasticizers are widely used polymer additives in industrial production to improve the performance of polymer materials, reduce production costs, and increase production efficiency.
High-efficiency ...(19/1)
2020-07-20 文章 - Application Of Metal High Voltage Connectors New Energy - 端子、連接器 - Alice Dai - 42.98.4.*
At present, in the mainstream market (passenger car market), more plastic-oriented connectors are selected. Due to the combination of light weight and low cost, the cost will be the decisive factor in ...(27/1)
2020-07-20 文章 - Who Invented Superplasticizer? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 42.98.4.*
The Japanese catalyst company Tsubaki Hengxiong invented the polycarboxylic acid water-reducing agent in the 1980s. Its molecular structure is no longer the same as the linear structure of the previou ...(15/1)
2020-07-20 服務項目 - 解決商業物業保潔管理難點問題對策——浦東保潔公司 - 家政、保潔 - 浦東保潔公司 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
(一)闔理控製經營成本,消除保潔管理收益低所 ...(4/1)
2020-07-20 服務項目 - 風管關斷閥性能指標—風管加工廠傢 - 其他 - 風管加工廠傢 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
截止閥按介質流向分直通式、直觮式和直流式三種, ...(2/1)
2020-07-20 文章 - Aluminum Window And Door Hardware Lock Hole Punching Machine - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 數控設備 - Cindy Feng - 112.120.33.*
Aluminum Window And Door Hardware Lock Hole Punching Machine
The corner cleaning machine is special designed for cleaning slags of PVC/UPVC window welding corners. There are three cutters for top sur ...(8/1)
2020-07-20 文章 - A Brief Dive Into Square Paper Doilies - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 112.120.33.*
If you have ever been to an event, you will notice the use of square paper doilies placed around the tables. The importance of the paper doilies cannot be overemphasized, and the overall aesthetic app ...(51/1)
2020-07-20 產品庫 - 酒店衛生間除污方法及註意-浦東保潔公司 - 下水管道 - 浦東保潔公司 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
衛生間空間有限,在有限的空間中臉盆、馬桶、淋浴等衛浴産品一件都不能少,(上海開荒保潔)同時擺設還要有條不紊,不影響各個産品的單獨使用,因此衛生間在空間佈置上更需要費一番功夫。設計師答力哲說:“衛生間在設計時,首先要註意各種衛浴設施的尺寸,不擁擠是大前提,要保證每個衛浴設備在使用空間上都有一定的距離。其次,衛生間地麵要外髙内低。外側可以用來放臉盆、馬桶,内側放淋浴、浴缸,既能防水防潮,還能達到幹濕分 ...(21/1)
2020-07-18 服務項目 - 電動叉車調節器使用維護_昆山吊車租賃 - 其他 - 昆山吊車租賃 - 122.195.177.* - 訪問網站
電動叉車調節器使用維護_昆山吊車租賃公司來 ...(3/1)