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Results 6201 - 6210 of about 132,367
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-14 產品庫 - 鬆香來源加工-特級馬尾鬆香 - 設計、加工 - 特級馬尾鬆香 - 117.95.153.* - 訪問網站
    鬆香是鬆樹樹幹内部流出的油經髙溫熔化成水狀,幹結後變成塊狀固體(沒有固定熔點),其顔色焦黃深紅,(特級馬尾鬆香)是重要的化工原料,日常生活方麵主要用在電路闆焊接時作助焊劑,在樂器方麵鬆香被塗抹在二胡、提琴、馬頭琴等弦樂的弓毛上用來增大弓毛對琴弦的摩擦。對於學習芭蕾方麵,鬆香起到防滑的作用。 鬆香來源加工: 1.脂鬆香 使用採割的形式收集鬆脂再加工提煉而成的鬆 ...(6/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-14 文章 - How To Use Superplasticizer In Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 103.116.47.*
    Hello everyone, welcome! Our news today is for a clearer understanding of that, how to use superplasticizer in concrete? The application of concrete superplasticizer is becoming more and more exten ...(30/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-14 文章 - Electric HV Socket Heavy Duty Power Connectors For Automobiles - 端子、連接器 - Alice Dai - 103.116.47.*
    Specification Temperature: -55℃∽ +125℃ Rated Current: 40A Insulation Resistance: 500MΩ Dielectric Withstand Voltage: 3000VDC Mechanical Life: 500 times Salt Spray: 48 hours Ingress Protection: ...(9/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-14 產品庫 - 不鏽鋼風淋室維護要點——風淋室廠傢 - 開關 - 風淋室廠傢 - 117.95.153.* - 訪問網站
    風淋室是人/貨進入潔淨室所必須通道,起到氣閥室密閉潔淨室的作用。(不鏽鋼風淋室)可以減低人/貨進出潔淨區所帶來的污染問題。爲瞭減少由於人/貨進出所帶來的大量塵埃粒子,經過髙效過濾後的髙速潔淨氣流由可旋轉噴射至人/貨上,有效而迅速的清除人/貨從非潔淨區所帶來的塵埃粒子及細菌。 風淋室安裝方法是,風淋室定好位置----放置風淋室箱體-----架箱體-----預緊箱體與風淋室底部螺 ...(24/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-14 產品庫 - 鋼筋桁架樓承闆優勢_樓承闆廠傢 - 其他 - 樓承闆廠傢 - 117.95.153.*
    鋼結構柱網間距一般5~9.0m×8~15m,次樑間距3m,而樓承闆下料長度爲4.97~8.97m,(鋼筋樓承闆)運輸與安裝均較困難,尤其是帶由圓弧區垂直吊裝樓承闆,由上而下在次樑狹間穿套比較困難,且打亂瞭次樑焊接正常工序。控製下料長度爲3~6m,則可避免垂直運輸時在次樑間無法吊運的問題。 樓承闆吊運時採用專用軟吊索。每次吊裝時應檢查軟吊索是否有撕裂、割斷現象。樓承闆擱置在鋼樑上時應防止探頭。鋪料時 ...(1/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-13 文章 - Ultrasonic Cleaner - 數控設備 - cntestbench - 103.116.47.* - 訪問網站
    ultrasonic cleaner Features Durable stainless steel construction. Ultrasonic cleaning and heating can work at the same time. High efficiency cleaning for teeny blot particles. Perfect for cleaning ...(24/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-13 文章 - Heavy Industry Group Held A Video Conference On Epidemic Prevention - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 103.116.47.* - 訪問網站
    At 8:30 a.m. on July 20, Tan Xuguang hosted a video conference on epidemic prevention and control held by the Party Committee of Shandong Heavy Industry Group at its headquarters in Jinan. The 13 comp ...(28/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-13 文章 - Metal Materials And Heat Treatment - 標準件 - starwdh - 103.116.47.* - 訪問網站
    1.Heat treatment In production, the operation of heating, holding, and cooling the steel to cause a solid phase transformation to change its internal structure and thereby improve the mechanical prop ...(7/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-13 文章 - Where Can I Get Paraffin Wax? - 石蠟 - dkwax - 103.116.47.* - 訪問網站
    We are a large-scale joint-stock enterprise with more than 15 years rich experience in manufacturing and exporting business; Main factory is located in Fushun City covering 150 acres with branch comp ...(25/1)
  • 編輯此資訊 2020-08-13 文章 - Admixture - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 103.116.47.* - 訪問網站
    Currently, most oil and gas wells are drilled with synthetic-based mud. Two types of waste are generally produced during drilling: waste mud and rock cuttings. There are many ways to dispose of waste, ...(9/1)





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